
Monday, November 30, 2015

Some things you haven't been told by the mainstream media...

Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting: Five astonishing things the mainstream media isn't reporting (that everyone should know)

by Mike Adams

In the aftermath of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting, the mainstream media is -- predictably -- functioning as nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Obama administration. In addition to twisting the reporting on the story in an attempt to blame all gun owners for the actions of one lunatic, the media is deliberately censoring critical parts of this story in order to mislead the public.

I've just posted a podcast at that reveals the FIVE astonishing things the mainstream media isn't reporting about this shooting in Colorado Springs.

Listen to my full podcast below...

Some things you haven't been told by the mainstream media

• Did you know that the shooter self-identified as a female in his voter registration?

• Did you know this shooter was NOT active in any pro-life activities?

• Were you aware that Planned Parenthood commits violence every day against nearly-born children by killing them during "partial birth abortions" to harvest their organs? (Do you know which other country is famous for harvesting human organs for resale? It's Communist China...)

• Did you know that most firearms owners support local law enforcement and don't "hate" cops or wish to shoot them?

• Did you know that you are more likely to be struck by lightning than killed in a mass shooting in America?

• Were you aware that "gun control" really means a gun monopoly in the hands of the government while disarming law-abiding citizens?

• Did you know there have already been 2,700 shootings this year in Chicago, one of the most tightly gun-controlled cities in America?

Learn more:

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