
Monday, May 9, 2011

Obama, the neo-con...

Obama Gives Up the Fake "Hope and Change" Act ... And Adopts the Neocon FEAR Playbook

I voted for Obama, hoping that he would change things away from the Neocon fear-based politics to something better.

But as I warned right after the election in 2008:

I - like most Americans - am relieved that the trickle-down emotion du jour has shifted from fear to hope. It feels nicer.

But it is no more real than switching from watching the tv from the horror channel to the feel-good-movie channel.

They are both fiction. Neither the Neocons or Neolibs deliver on their promises.

The Neocons drummed up fear of terrorists, but actually made America less secure, and stomped on our liberties in the process.

The Neolibs promised hope, but gave none ...

Hope is just an emotion. Admittedly, real hope for fundamental and lasting change is important.

But false hope ... is less than worthless . . . it is dangerous, for it lulls people to sleep so they won't demand real change.

After the Honeymoon is Over

When the honeymoon between the voters and Obama is over, people will judge him on who he picks to lead his cabinet and what he actually does.

After the honeymoon is over, the only questions will be whether Obama:

Protected our liberty and restored the Constitution and the rule of law

Restored the balance of power

Ensured justice

Kept us out of imperial wars

Stopped the looting of our treasury and pockets ...

Whether or not Obama does these things - and not whether he administers the hope drug - is the question.

Unless the fundamental tyranny, injustice, imperialism and economic foolishness are addressed, then America will have one heck of a hangover when the drug wears off.

Well, it is now clear that Obama did none of those things, and our country does have a hangover. The bailouts and hand-holding of Wall Street has continued, without any help for Main Street. None of the biggest financial fatcats who committed criminal fraud have been brought to justice. We've gotten in yet another senseless war in Libya. The TSA, Homeland Security and other government agencies are becoming more repressive than ever.

Read more:

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