
Monday, May 9, 2011

Deja Vu all over again...

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War on Terror is a Reichstag Fire False Flag Operation


By now, you are probably worn out from all the speculation about the actual events in Pakistan that claim the death of the public enemy No 1. No photos of a dead Osama bin Laden, burial at sea, instant DNA results and changing versions with every new news report gets old quickly. The claim that a treasure chest of intelligence was secured during the raid, conflicts with killing the main man who knows where all the buried are buried. Capturing him alive for interrogation would maximize the intelligence quest, if that were the real goal.

If any significance should be assigned to this account, now is the time to re-evaluate the entire nature of the War on Terror that has destroyed America more in the last ten years than any attack on home soil.

Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden and al-Qaeda has always been a straw man villain that is necessary to perpetuate a never-ending threat to the eternal evil empire. Wag the dog is a standard policy to keep the drollery narrative going in order to maintain the dullard public in their drunken stupor of jingoism. The tale might seem amusing if the stark consequences of national decay and carnage were not real. The fantasy indoctrination that purports to be professional news journalism defies logic and common sense. Not surprising, the asinine flag wavers chant USA, USA, USA when the reality actually resembles an echo of Sieg Heil Amerika. The cry for justice always seems to falter when it comes to the underlying players in the terrorist war against the American people. Comments and conclusions from the site Universe CIA2 are germane.

"USA has become a Banana Republic since 2000, on par with the old Soviet Politburo, North Korea, Eric Honecker’s East Germany, Pravda, Tishreen, the 3rd Reich and Zimbabwe, to name a few. The crumbling Empire is too desperate and pulling all the Stops from its dirty bag of Tricks, and much more is in the Pipeline. The worst part is that ALL the Western world, the MSM, the UKUSA alliance of evils, the UN, NATO, EU, the Arab stooges & puppets, etc. are singing the same ZIOCON tunes, babbling, blathering, and regurgitating the same fallacies about 9/11, Al-CIAda and the bogus war on "terror".

The pattern of false flags are rooted firmly in recent history and shared by delusory regimes.

1. In 1931 the Mukden incident was the pretext for annexing Manchuria
2. August 1939 the Gleiwitz incident and Operation Himmler used to fabricated evidence of a Polish attack against Germany
3. November 26, 1939 the Shelling of Mainila pretext of Soviet Union attack on Finland
4. In 1953 the Operation Ajax operations against the formerly democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddeq
5. In 1954 the Lavon Affair, Israel sponsored bombings against US and UK interests in Cairo
6. In 1962 Operation Northwoods plot by the U.S. Department of Defense for a war with Cuba
7. In 1999 the Russian apartment bombings that precipitated the Second Chechen War were false flag operations

Prepare for the next designed deceptive event that pushes the ignorant into demanding an even greater stratum of tyranny. Homeland security never had it so good, when it plans the burning of the last semblance of representative constitutional government, as it substitutes an unmitigated totalitarian collectivist dictatorship over our beleaguered nation.

In The Real Threat to National Security, the dilemma of what to believe for a sincere American is presented.

"Is the threat from foreign terrorists the undertaking of homeland insecurity? The preoccupation since 911 with a self-serving "War of Terror" has been masked under the appearance of national security. Tracking down targeted Jihad terrorists and waging regional search and destroy missions has become the growth industry of the new millennium. The rationale and justification for such a protracted conflict rests upon a cowardly attack on American soil. If you listen to the official version of events anyone who questions the validity of blaming Islamic Fascists must be unpatriotic."

Read the whole article here:

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