
Sunday, May 23, 2010

This is really disturbing if true...

Now, I don't know if this is real or some kind of hoax, but I'll post it anyway. Either way it is pretty interesting. If fake, a pretty good effort. If true, something all should see. In time we will all know I guess.

Supposedly the woman who leaked both of these videos to the internet went missing days afterward. The first one is supposed to be the original version produced by the British security company Blackwell and Briggs. It is a short film meant to lobby Parliament on a bill to grant them total control over surveillance and tracking of UK citizens under the guise of preventing crime. They present a very scary scenario in which they promote themselves as the savior to world as they see it. Of course they would profit immensely and have powers no private company should have. The second video is an edited version with commentary by a group opposed to Blackwell and Briggs called Conspiracy For Good. Please watch...


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