
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things are starting to look bleak.....

Batten down the hatches!

Our SIXTH Warning: Dow in Danger!
by Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. 05-20-10

The Dow’s 1000-point “flash crash” of two weeks ago was NOT a fluke! Nor is today’s 376-point slide in the Dow!
“Some of the latest economic data has shown a cooling in global demand and a loss of investor confidence. Many early warning signs of credit stress are also flashing yellow. Volatility indices are on the rise … financial institutions are charging each other more to borrow money in the interbank market … and interest rate swap spreads are blowing out in the derivatives arena.
“These are the same kinds of indicators we saw go nuts before the 2008 crash. We’re still nowhere near the widespread panic levels we reached back then, but the trend is what matters and it’s very unsettling.”


Here is another link for more warnings about the coming crash:

Stocks to Tumble Another 20%, Cash the Safest Place: Roubini

"There are some parts of the global economy that are now at the risk of a double-dip recession," said Roubini, head of Roubini Global Economics. "From here on I see things getting worse."

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