
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A house of cards...

Five Facts You Need to Know About the Financial System
The final conclusion to draw from this is that there is not one politician in power worldwide with a set of cajones. When it comes time to choose between doing the right thing (default, clear the junk, start over from a fresh base) our “leaders” have shown time and again that they’d rather throw more taxpayer money at the problem.
In plain terms, no one wants to actually solve anything. All they want to do is put a band-aid on the issue and hope they can make it to their next election retaining their corporate backers without pissing off voters too much.
It’s a heck of a tight rope act. I don’t know how it will play out. I don’t care too much for politicians, but I sure as heck wouldn’t want to be in their position. On one hand you have increasingly pissed off voters. On the other hand you have banking Oligarchs who implode the market anytime they’re threatened.

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