
Monday, May 24, 2010

Cooking the books

Evolving Financial Crisis: The World Banking System is Insolvent

As a result of this monetary and fiscal profligacy we have a global financial breakdown in the works that no one will escape. Worse yet, no one has offered any solutions other than to throw money at the problem. Funds have been tunneled to the very parties that caused the problems in the first place. As a natural result gold has continued to rise in price as both the US and Europe have come to the realization that their political powers are controlled from behind the scenes by personages of great power and wealth and that part of the way to change that is to throw almost all incumbents out of office. This way at least for a time the control of these elitists can be neutralized and their power base rendered ineffective. That accomplished, legislation can be passed to reverse so many of the outrageous laws we have. The first issue would be to end corporate ability to keep two sets of books and mark assets to market, not to model. Such normal moves would rid us of too big to fail corporations; something our Senate has been incapable of doing. On Thursday the Senate is thought to be ready to pass a financial reform package and not a word has been spoken about cooking the books – like the situation didn’t even exist. Such legislation would bring all manner of lawsuits and criminal charges as well. It is absolutely incredible that no AG or law enforcement official has for as far as we can remember, brought criminal charges against these lawbreakers. Just as an example, trillions have been lost in real estate and no corporation or individual has been prosecuted for criminal fraud.


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