
Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Unfortunately, we are at a tipping point here; we are looking at either the US government starting a world war, to attempt to stave off its economic collapse for just a little while longer, or a total collapse of the US economy in the short term. There is no middle ground, and things cannot possibly continue to go on the way they have."

Terror threat prompts high-level meeting at White House

By Jonathan Easley

The White House said top administration officials gathered late Saturday over a terror threat that provoked the State Department to close more than 20 diplomatic posts and issue a worldwide travel alert.

National Security Adviser Susan Rice chaired a meeting with 12 administration officials including the secretaries of State, Defense and Homeland Security and the directors of the FBI, CIA and NSA, according to a White House statement...

Read more if you can stand it:


Translation: the US government is about to create some kind of false flag somewhere (even perhaps here at home), as the excuse to invade a country, either in the Middle East or North Africa, and inspire "war fever" anew on the part of the American people.

It desperately needs the distraction from a lousy economy; Benghazigate; IRSgate; NSAgate; and other scandals which are most probably about to kneecap an already seriously distressed 2nd term presidency.

But I would strongly suggest to this administration, that after the US "victories" in Iraq and Afghanistan, that the American people are going to be skeptical in the extreme about yet another military catastrophe, as was played out in Iraq, and is playing out in Afghanistan.

The American people understand completely, that these have been very publicly funded and fought wars, with very real deaths and maimings for life, ultimately for private profit.

Unfortunately, we are at a tipping point here; we are looking at either the US government starting a world war, to attempt to stave off its economic collapse for just a little while longer, or a total collapse of the US economy in the short term. There is no middle ground, and things cannot possibly continue to go on the way they have.

The best way to head off a false-flag attack is to hammer the point that any terror attack anywhere represents a complete and total failure of DHS, TSA, FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.

If there is another terror attack, anywhere, at any time, the response of the American people should be to demand the immediate shutting down of all these costly and unconstitutional agencies, and a return to spending the Americans' tax money on Americans!


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