
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Words of wisdom from "The Turd"...

Our Criminal Opposition

For once, I don't mean this as it relates to the precious metals. We'll get to that later.
If you haven't yet watched this, I BEG AND PLEAD WITH YOU TO TAKE 15 MINUTES TO DO SO. When finished, please forward the link to anyone who you sense does not quite understand the predicament we are in.

Now, ask yourself, how is it that this criminal corruption is not being prosecuted? The fact that there are merely "investigations" while the foreclosures continue gives you an idea of just how powerful and dominating the Fed/TBTF/Govt complex is. (Also, I guess we know why Sheila Bair is resigning.) How is it that no one has called for a halt on all foreclosure proceedings until and unless proper documentation can be found? I'll tell you why: Because the criminal element controls the system. Here, in the supposed "land of the free and home of the brave", we live in extremely dangerous times. The one thing that has always distinguished the U.S.A. from most every other nation on earth, the one thing that has caused the U.S.A. to be the ultimate safe haven in the free flow of global capital, is at least some measure of respect for the Rule of Law. Well, throw that out the window and kiss it goodbye, my friends. Maybe not today or tomorrow but certainly in the weeks and months to come. There will be no rescue. There is no centrally-planned, keynesian salvation coming. All you can do is protect yourself and warn as many others as possible to do the same.

To that end, I read several comments overnight from people who are selling their silver and gold to lock in some fiat-conversion profits. If you are one of them or if you are considering the same, let me state this as clearly as possible: YOU ARE ONE OF THE DUMBEST PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET. You knew what was coming so you prepared. You bought PMs some time ago as protection and insurance. Now, because of a manufactured correction in fiat price, you sell? Again, if you are now converting your metal back into fiat YOU ARE ONE OF THE DUMBEST PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE PLANET. If you are truly concerned about your fiat-conversion, call Lind-Waldock for pete's sake and buy some puts but DONT, FOR ANY REASON, SELL YOUR METAL.

Read more:

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