
Monday, May 23, 2011

"What type of person would believe what world leaders say instead of his or her own eyes?"

The Revolution of Conscience

Michael Tsarion, an author and teacher, asks if a person’s compliant acceptance of the judgements and pronouncements made by top political and religious leaders is connected to their own lack of an authentic self. What type of person would believe what world leaders say instead of his or her own eyes? A person who is not confident in his own judgements about the world and reality. Somebody who watches the collapse of WTC building 7 and still believes the official story of the 9/11 events given by the U.S. government and repeated by the world media does not want to take on the responsibility of thinking for himself. Such a person has abandoned the task of being human, of reflecting and problem-solving, and given the job to leaders and politicians to articulate global problems for him and fix the world while he is busy dozing off.

As Robert Anton Wilson and Terence McKenna tried to teach us, a blind confidence in any government or political system is stupid and childish. It is also self-destructive. McKenna and Wilson both said that intelligent human beings should get rid of their belief systems and judge reality with their own eyes rather than trust the words uttered by government leaders and media talking heads. Wilson called all belief systems bullshit. And McKenna said:

What blinds us, or what makes historical progress very difficult, is our lack of awareness of our ignorance. And [I think] that beliefs should be put aside, and that a psychedelic society would abandon belief systems [in favor of] direct experience and this is, I think much, of the problem of the modern dilemma, is that direct experience has been discounted and in its place all kind of belief systems have been erected… If you believe something, you’re automatically precluded from believing in the opposite, which means that a degree of your human freedom has been forfeited in the act of this belief.

Tsarion is a great preserver and communicator of this kind of information. I think there is a false notion out there that this kind of information that Tsarion talks about is not for everybody. Nothing could be further from the truth. Knowledge is for everybody to grasp. If you are on a personal journey to self-discovery and liberation then all information should go down easy, and you should be able to have an inner conversation with your own inner guru. It is also a deeply spiritual and religious journey, in the greatest sense of the world. As Terence McKenna said “There is a spiritual obligation, there is a task to be done. It is not, however, something as simple as following a set of somebody else’s rules.”

Although there is a global 9/11 truth movement and a massive political awakening developing in this new century there are still millions of people who deny obvious facts that are in front of their nose and refuse to accept the truth that their top political leaders are tyrants who are hiding behind masks and deceiving the world population about 9/11, terrorism, and the big plan for a global technofascist police state...


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