
Friday, May 13, 2011

"...Obama will, as Bilderberg has ordered, work to keep the costs of gasoline high and maintain if not increase America’s phoney dependency on imported oil."

Obama Remains Bilderberg Pawn In Global Petroleum Chess Match

By James P. Tucker Jr.

President Obama, acting as the Bilderberg group’s lackey, is lying when he says he wants to punish oil companies and develop new resources. In reality, Obama will, as Bilderberg has ordered, work to keep the costs of gasoline high and maintain if not increase America’s phoney dependency on imported oil.

Bilderberg participants “are a pack of liars, and they will continue to lie through and beyond St. Moritz,” said an insider, referring to the annual Bilderberg group meeting scheduled in Switzerland June 9-12. “You must get the truth out and keep them backing up.”

Increasing public awareness of the evil of Bilderberg has proven a huge barrier to their goals, the insider said.

“These tax giveaways aren’t right,” Obama said in his weekly radio address, referring to the annual $4 billion in tax breaks for the oil and gas industry. He knows this will not pass because Big Oil owns too many congressmen from both parties. But saying so is good politics.

“An investment in clean energy today is an investment in a better tomorrow,” Obama said. “And I think that’s an investment worth making.”

But Obama knows this means a tax increase, which Congress will reject.

Obama calls for developing domestic resources but refuses to allow this to happen, so the Bilderberg plan to keep America dependent on imports, drive gasoline to $7 a gallon and keep the recession alive through the year 2012 can continue to thrive.

Obama and various well-funded environmental groups object to exploiting the huge oil reserves in the Arctic on grounds of ecology. Oil reserves in the Arctic alone are enough to supply America’s needs for as much as two centuries, experts have said.

New technology allows oil to be drilled with little impact on the environment. One approach drills down deeply, then horizontally, to reach oil. All that remains is a single capped well head. But this fails to appease environmentalists. There is a long history of this kind of hysteria.


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