
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Do you ever wonder why the administration gets a free pass by the press?

CFR Member Zakaria Reveals He Advises President Obama On Foreign Policy
Matt Hadro

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, host of the weekend show Fareed Zakaria GPS and editor-at-large for Time magazine, admitted on CNN Thursday that he has been advising President Obama on foreign policy matters.

Eliot Spitzer, host of CNN’s In the Arena, brought up the fact at the very end of a conversation with Zakaria about Pakistan and foreign policy. Zakaria affirmed it and clarified that “mostly it’s been face-to-face meetings…organized by Tom Donilon, the national security advisor.”

Spitzer brought up the subject by telling Zakaria that “I read something in the paper this week…It said the President of the United States calls you for wisdom and advice about issues around the world.”

After verifying that, Zakaria quickly changed the subject to praising Obama’s approach to foreign policy. “It’s been a very thoughtful conversation,” he mused. “You know, we’ll see where it goes.”


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