
Monday, May 9, 2011

BOMBSHELL: New information on bin Laden killing hoax...




By Gordon Duff

Sources tell us that the “lifelines” that kept what has been identified as Osama bin Laden safe inside Pakistan were operated under the supervision of CIA operative Raymond Davis. There were two safehouses in Abbottabad, one for “bin Laden,” the other for the CIA. We are told that this explains why there was no Al Qaeda security detail. The CIA was in charge of that.

Davis, arrested in Lahore earlier in the year, faced trial for murder until released because of cash payments made to the families of the victims. Davis led a super-secret CIA team thought initially by Pakistan to be coordinating Taliban and Indian terror networks. It is now reported that he was the handler for “the man from Abbottabad,” the man America claims was Osama bin Laden.

Reports indicate that Osama bin Laden wasn’t captured for a good reason. The individual identified as Osama bin Laden was a replacement used in video and audio terror threats that have failed analysis and been debunked as counterfeit.

Documents identified by former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds and former Undersecretary of State Steve Pieczenik, a physician, clearly identify bin Laden as associated with the CIA long after he was identified as the leader of the shadowy Al Qaeda network. Pieczenik also confirms that bin Laden was fatally ill long ago. Multiple confirmations in Pakistan and the US have bin Laden dying in 2001, not long after he issued a categorical denial of complicity in 9/11.

Not long after bin Laden’s reported death, several “clones” appeared including one matching the appearance of the “bin Laden” who appears in videos captured in Abbottabad. It is not certain whether this “bin Laden” or a subsequent clone was the individual who may have been killed in the recent US operation.

One thing for sure, it was not the long dead CIA financier, Osama bin Laden.

Sources report that the recent “bin Laden” operation was in retaliation for Pakistan’s arrest of bin Laden handler, Raymond Davis. Other reasons with limited or unreliable confirmations claim the US wishes to blackmail Pakistan into appointing a new intelligence chief willing to “take orders” from Washington.

Reliable reports from within the US intelligence community state that a major factor in the timing of the recent operation was tied to the “musical chairs” in Washington with Leon Panetta leaving the CIA to take over as Secretary of Defense upon the retirement of Robert Gates and the General Petraeus’ move to take over the CIA.

The killing of “bin Laden,” real or a “clone” under Panetta’s watch would prevent General Petraeus from becoming “unmanageable” were he able to make the same claim. Petraeus is cited for having presidential aspirations and the CIA directorship has been a stepping stone to the White House before as seen with George H.W. Bush.


The Navy Seal operation attributed to the assassination of Osama bin Laden as reported to the world is a hollow fiction. We are not here to discuss the legal merits, the questions of who or why but rather how.

There were two main areas of concern with the initial cover story of the killing of Osama bin Laden. The first, of course, were the contradictions, guns, then no guns,shooting then no shooting and the lack of evidence of this being an assault on a “high value” terrorist target. DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) assaults on “wrong houses,” something too common in the United States, assaults that often accidentally target innocent senior citizens or homes with small children, leave more convincing evidence than the attack on what Colin Powell has called “the worst person on earth.

The second issue is the confirmations received of what was reported all along. Osama bin Laden had been dead for a decade. Confirmations received from the highest sources in the US intelligence community confirm that Osama bin Laden’s body was recovered by Special Forces operating in Afghanistan in December 2001. His body was frozen and kept in storage for a date when it would be of advantage to the United States to use it for maximum advantage.

Another reason for the decision to “thaw and assassinate” was to deliver a knockout punch to Republican presidential contenders, in particular Donald Trump, already reeling from the “birth certificate” fiasco.

As this information directly contradicts all of the varied stories released by the White House thus far, one could safely assume that no information offered, not that through official channels, a mishmash of contradiction and absurdity nor that offered here, reeking of conspiracy and sinister intent, can safely be relied upon.

In fact, there is no competent analysis of any kind in the mainstream press and, though much of the work in the alternative media may ring of truth or seem more logical, it also has an aspect of conjecture to it with some exceptions. There is a wealth of authoritative opinion regarding the death of bin Laden in 2001, two Pakistani prime ministers, Bhutto and Musharraf, their top intelligence officer at the time, General Hamid Gul, currently editor at Veterans Today, and a wealth of senior US officials. These issues may be followed in the media and a reader may choose which “reality” to accept. There is no sadder state of affairs than for such uncertainty to exist involving key areas of national security...

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