
Friday, May 13, 2011

A blast from the past. New evil-doer killed 11 months ago. But you were expected to forget that...

Latest Al Qaeda Boogie Man Was “Killed” 11 Months Ago

Anwar al-Awlaki may be dead, but that won’t stop him bombing planes and carrying out mass shootings

Steve Watson & Paul Watson
Friday, Nov 5th, 2010

Latest Al Qaeda Boogie Man Was Killed 11 Months Ago 261010top Anwar al-Awlaki, the Al-Qaeda leader who supposedly masterminded last month’s plane bomb plot is the latest terrorist boogie man to have risen from the grave to exact his revenge.

As reported by the London Guardian, Awlaki is considered the “prime suspect” in the cargo plane bomb plot. He was also fingered as the mastermind by BBC News, and the London Telegraph amongst others.

The man who allegedly made the ink toner cartridges that were later claimed to be deadly explosive devices, halted just minutes before reaping carnage, was Saudi Arabian-born Ibrahim Hassan Al Asiri. Al Asiri is “in regular contact in Yemen with radical cleric Anwar Awlaki,” reported the Daily Mail.

Within 48 hours, it was announced by the US intelligence backed SITE organisation that Awlaki had appeared in a new video posted on a “jihadist website,” in which he encouraged further attacks.

Like many supposed terrorist leaders before him however, Awlaki has previously been reported killed.

On December 24, 2009 several news outlets reported that Awlaki was believed to have been killed in a joint U.S-Yemeni pre-dawn air strike by Yemeni Air Force fighter jets on a meeting of 30 or so senior al-Qaeda leaders at a hideout in Rafd, a remote mountain valley in eastern Shabwa.

The Reuters news agency spoke to an unnamed Yemeni official at the time who said: “Anwar al Awlaki is suspected to be dead (in the air raid).”

Awlaki’s death was also reported by Fox News and Al Jazeera.

On December 28 The Washington Post reported that U.S. and Yemeni officials had confirmed that al-Awlaki was at the al-Qaeda meeting.

Then on December 29 it was reported by Newsweek that a Yemeni journalist called Abdul Elah Hider al-Shaya had been in contact with Awlaki after the air raid, and was claiming that he was still alive.

The report stated:

There is no independent way to confirm Shaya’s account and U.S. intelligence officials are now ducking the question of whether they believe Awlaki is dead or alive. “His status is not entirely clear,” a U.S. intelligence official says.”

As we have previously reported, every significant Al Qaeda leader appears to have been killed or reported killed several times, indicating that these people are simply names, interchangeable at the whim of the Pentagon, US Intelligence and their corporate media mouthpieces.

The American-born cleric is perhaps the most complex of these characters.

As we reported last month, every indication points to Awlaki being a double agent working for US intelligence. He has been involved in almost every terror plot over the last couple of years, from directing the underwear bomber, who was allowed to board the plane by order of the US State Department aided by a well-dressed man who got Abdulmutallab on the airliner despite the fact that he was on a terror watchlist and had no passport, to advising Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Malik Hasan. Authorities have engaged in a cover-up of what happened at Fort Hood after they ordered Private Lance Aviles to delete cell phone footage of the attack.

Awlaki was also the spiritual leader of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, a fact that didn’t seem to concern Pentagon top brass who invited him to dine with them just months after the September 11 attacks despite the fact that he had personally colluded with the very hijackers who were alleged to have slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon.

The US Special Operations Command’s Able Danger program identified the hijackers and their accomplices long before 9/11, and would undoubtedly have also picked up Awlaki.

As Webster Tarpley has documented, Awlaki is “an intelligence agency operative and patsy-minder” and “one of the premier terror impresarios of the age operating under Islamic fundamentalist cover” whose job it is to “motivate and encourage groups of mentally impaired and suggestible young dupes who were entrapped into “terrorist plots” by busy FBI and Canadian RCMP agents during recent years.”

Any Awlaki connection to the latest alleged bomb plot is therefore a huge smoking gun that the entire story, as every other piece of evidence also indicates, is a manufactured political ploy.

If indeed he is already dead, so much the better for the Pentagon who can continue to connect Awlaki to anything they see fit without reprisal.


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