
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The climate inquisition...

Al Gore calls political punishment of global warming skeptics who support evidence-based policies

by: J. D. Heyes

It's becoming the modus operandi of the "tolerant" political left: If you can't win the argument, punish the opponent.

Speaking at the annual South by Southwest Festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, recently, former Vice President Al Gore made a number of demonstrably false statements about climate change and global warming (and now, a new term: Climate disruption), as well as one alarming recommendation.

To begin with, Gore - chairman of a phony science activist group called the Climate Reality Project - discussed the issue as a matter of "settled science," when in fact climate science is anything but settled. In fact, you could even say, given an increasing amount of evidence thanks to some intrepid investigative reporting, that man-caused climate change is the biggest hoax in the history of the country.

Not long ago, in February, Telegraph columnist Christopher Booker reported that official temperature records were purposely manipulated by supposedly respectable scientific institutions to fit the global warming narrative.

Shout down 'deniers' and punish them

"Of much more serious significance, however, is the way this wholesale manipulation of the official temperature record - for reasons [Global Historical Climate Network] and [Goddard Institute for Space Studies] have never plausibly explained - has become the real elephant in the room of the greatest and most costly scare the world has known," he wrote, after citing numerous instances. "This really does begin to look like one of the greatest scientific scandals of all time."

But now, sensing that they may be losing the battle of public opinion as the details of their hoax continue to mount, advocates like Gore are turning to the most extreme of measures - punishing anyone who disagrees with them.

"We need to put a price on carbon to accelerate these market trends," Gore said, in reference to a proposed federal cap-and-trade system that would penalize companies that exceeded their carbon-emission limits, the Chicago Tribune reported. "And in order to do that, we need to put a price on denial in politics (my emphasis)."

Furthermore, Gore encouraged his audience, made up mostly of Millennials, to ramp up their angst against climate change "deniers," calling them out whenever possible.

"We have this denial industry cranked up constantly," Gore said. "In addition to 99 percent of the scientists and all the professional scientific organizations, now Mother Nature is weighing in."

Gore's left-wing appeal is being matched by others in the entertainment industry. Led by the group Conservation International, a campaign called "Nature is Speaking, which is based on the theme, "Nature doesn't need people, people need nature," features a number of high-profile TV and film stars including Harrison Ford, Julia Roberts, Robert Redford, Kevin Spacey and Penelope Cruz.

What's more, new films are in the works that promote man-caused global warming while depicting critics as loathsome and villainous.

Ultimate in tyranny

HBO is even getting into the act, so to speak. In a recent VICE episode, noted climate change critic Marc Morano was interviewed. On his web site, he notes that the show's editors were selective with his comments:

"Morano was shown onscreen discussing the growth of sea ice, but then the Vice crew travels to South America and talks to many scientists. Rignot takes a dig at people for mentioning growing sea ice saying, "there's a little bit of confusion between the land ice and sea ice. They are totally different entities." The effect was to make Morano and any other skeptic look foolish. But according to Morano, he had spoken to Vice about BOTH land and sea ice and they chose to only use his sea ice remarks..."

That someone - especially someone who was one breath away from becoming president of the United States - would suggest that those who have a different opinion about climate change (or anything, really) should be punished is the ultimate in tyranny. But it's what we've come to expect from the hysterical authoritarians who are pushing a bogus issue using phony science.

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