
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Free speech = hate crime...

Merely speaking out against Planned Parenthood may soon get you arrested for thought crimes

by: Daniel Barker

In the wake of the recent Planned Parenthood clinic shooting in Colorado Springs, leftist rhetoric has reached a fever pitch. Liberal media outlets, pundits and activists want to criminalize free speech regarding abortion, and are now labeling those who speak out against Planned Parenthood as "violent" or as "terrorists" – and on equal par with the shooter himself.

No sane person would condone the shooting deaths at the clinic, but to label all anti-abortion sentiment and opposition to Planned Parenthood as "domestic terrorism" would be equally insane, right?

Insane or not, that's exactly what physician and medical journalist Jennifer Conti seems to be suggesting in an article she wrote for Slate:

"As news continues to unfold about Friday's Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs, one thing is clear: Domestic terrorism remains unchecked, even on the day after Thanksgiving.

"To label this an isolated act of violence would be naive. In 2015 alone, there has been unprecedented harassment from anti-choice extremists, including most recently, a series of slanderous manipulated videos used to attack Planned Parenthood's fetal tissue donation programs. And now this."

In the second paragraph, Conti clearly equates "anti-choice" activism with violence. There has not been an attack on an abortion clinic since 2009, and so the claim that this is not an "isolated act of violence" is essentially the same as saying that any anti-abortion activism is a violent act.

The reality is that this was an isolated act of violence. No amount of obfuscation on the part of the leftist media can alter that fact.

Free speech = hate crime?

But it clearly seems to be the goal of liberals to classify anyone who speaks out against abortion as guilty of having committed a hate crime.

As Alex Thomas wrote in an article for

"Domestic terrorism is now being redefined as speech that liberals do not agree with and if you do not go along with this sort of new age thought control then you must hate women and want to kill people.

"Americans throughout the country now find themselves at a crossroads where their first amendment protected speech is now being redefined in major media outlets as actual terrorism in a disgusting attempt at silencing ALL criticism of abortion."

And if you think Jennifer Conti's article for Slate was an "isolated incident, " take a look at this YouTube video in which a CNN reporter also refers to the shooting as "the latest in a string of attacks on abortion providing facilities or on doctors who work with them."

It's obvious that these types of news reports and articles are designed to give the impression that these clinics are under constant attack, while the truth is that in the 15 years preceding the Colorado Springs shooting incident, only one person was killed in abortion clinic violence.

While there are undoubtedly many conspiracy theorists who will interpret this shooting incident as a 'false flag' attack designed only to demonize the anti-abortion movement, while simultaneously undermining our Second Amendment rights, I won't go that far.

What I will say is this: although I believe this isolated incident was the work of a deranged individual who happens to identify with the anti-abortion cause, the leftist media has seized on the opportunity to further their cause.

"Never let a serious crisis go to waste," as the liberals are so fond of saying.

The practice of labeling dissenters as terrorists has become frighteningly common. In case you haven't noticed, the current American government policy is to marginalize and criminalize those who publicly and privately oppose its agenda.

And the list of "potential terrorists" has officially expanded to include veterans, preppers, Christians, gun owners and much of what used to be considered normal society.

If the trend continues, we may soon find ourselves being arrested for our opinions – unless, of course, they happen to reflect those of our authoritarian masters. ...

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