
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"Critics are always haters – never "critics" or reasoned opponents – to Left-wing hacks and Marxists. It's their modus operandi."

Any ideas the political left doesn't like are labeled 'HATE'

by: J. D. Heyes

It's a tried-and-true tactic that the political Left has used successfully for years. When a liberal no longer wants to debate the big issues of our time – issues that are generally only "controversial" because the Left has deemed them so – they shut off debate by calling their detractors and opponents names, and saddling them with labels that are neither flattering nor accurate.

If you don't agree that gays and lesbians should be married then you're a hater and a bigot, even if you feel the way you do because of religious convictions [though liberals aren't even consistent with this view, because they won't use such labels to describe Muslims who vehemently oppose homosexuality, let along gay marriage].

If you have a problem with social carve-outs for people of color, like giving minorities extra or out-sized consideration for college admission, employment or for other reasons, you're a hater and a racist.

If you don't believe in big government welfare programs, you're a hater and an extremist.

If you oppose the "Black Lives Matter" movement and so-called "safe zones" on campus, you're a hater and a racist and a bigot and an extremist all wrapped into one.

You oppose open borders? Hater! Bigot! Insensitive boob!

Hater, hater, hater

And so on. But the Left's go-to label, if you will, is that anyone who disagrees or offers any resistance to their Marxism whatsoever is a hater. In fact, the Left has weaponized the term; they use it whenever they're trying to take out their opposition.

MSNBC host Chris Matthews perfectly demonstrates this Left-wing Marxist attack. During a February 2014 program, Matthews dumped on top GOP presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who is well-known for espousing conservative viewpoints and sticking by them no matter what.

Critiquing a Cruz appearance on constitutional law scholar and former Reagan official Mark Levin's top-rated radio program, Matthews labeled Cruz "fanatical" and Levin a (you guessed it) "hater."

"I'll tell ya', this isn't a nuance, this isn't 'Let's move a couple notches to the right'... And he's saying this on Mark Levin's show. Well, there's a hater anyway, but he's on there trashing what he's claimed to be a member of. I think he's got Joe McCarthy tendencies! I think he's all about indicting everyone around him as somehow a traitor of some sort."

The Left-leaning Daily Beast, in a December 2013 piece, claimed that President Obama's "haters" were somehow worse than detractors of President George W. Bush (whom Obama blamed for everything that went wrong in his first term), in large part because, you know, racism:

"Sometimes, of course, the left goes cultural. Calling Bush a chimp and an idiot and a cowboy, say; those trafficked in liberals' stereotypes about Texans, Southerners in general, back-slapping oil men, and so on (well, chimp just had to do with certain facial features). That wasn't nice, I suppose, but here's the thing. It was done to laugh at him."

[With Obama] "... always, race will be ladled on top, like, well, chocolate syrup."

Modus operandi


"To people on the left, Bush was embarrassing, ever a threat to behave boorishly or be asked to appraise a Kandinsky on a European visit and crack that it looked like yesterday's breakfast leftovers. To people on the right, though, Obama is a menace. They are different—and yes, the latter is worse than the former, because it does breed a more intense hatred."

I can't think of a Republican president the Left hated more than Bush, but when the Left claims the right to define the parameters of the debate, then you get this lopsided view of history.

And there is this headline from The Economist, which is typical of any Obama critic (because Obama is the first president who should never be criticized, you see), "Obamacare's Haters Won't Stop Hating," which, of course, praises the massively expensive and overly bureaucratic government takeover of healthcare.

Haters. Critics are always haters – never "critics" or reasoned opponents – to Left-wing hacks and Marxists. It's their modus operandi.

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