
Thursday, June 18, 2015

"Are you kidding me? The GOP now thinks its own voters are as dumb and ignorant as Democrats? Ryan thinks he should be allowed to pass bills the citizens aren’t “allowed” to read? Really? Then it’s time for the citizens to remove Ryan from office."

Trans-Pacific Ponzi and the murder of the middle class

by Wayne Allyn Root

Hi. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. President Obama and our wonderful government call their favorite new bill “TPP” for Trans-Pacific Partnership. But it’s really a bipartisan Ponzi scheme. It should be called “Trans-Pacific Ponzi.” It’s a trillion-dollar rip-off of the American people and American workers. Obama wants “fast track authority” because he wants to put the end of America as we know it on a fast track.

Trust me; neither TPP or TPA (Trade Promotion Authority, i.e., fast track authority for the president) are dead. Like Freddy Krueger of “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” they will keep coming back from the dead because the billionaires and billion-dollar multinational corporations want TPP. The powers that be won’t give up. They will not rest until it passes, by hook or by crook. And since they are all crooks, they’ll use any means necessary to get it passed.

My book “The Murder of the Middle Class” describes the unholy alliance of the socialists and communists like Obama and the crony capitalist corporations that own both political parties. The TPP is the perfect example of the murder of the middle class in one devastating treaty. Passing it requires secrecy and fraud carried out by both Obama and his partners in the Republican Party. Fraud and treachery make for strange bedfellows.

The worst part isn’t even what’s in it — and it certainly contains a toxic brew that will destroy millions of middle-class jobs. More on that later. But the worst part is how it’s been hidden from the people by Obama and the Republican leadership, working as a tag team like this is a WWE match.

Do you remember when Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it?”

We all know how that turned out. Obamacare is killing jobs, dramatically increasing the national debt and bankrupting the middle class with gigantic increases in health insurance premiums. That’s precisely why no one wanted you to read it, study it or take the time to analyze it.

These disastrous billion-dollar bills need to be hidden and then passed quickly before anyone has a chance to understand their implications. They are written by lobbyists and lawyers and never read by the very politicians voting for them. It’s all about dollars. Corporations and fat cat donors make billions of dollars, and the politicians collect millions of dollars in legal bribes (i.e., campaign contributions) and million-dollar lobbying jobs after they retire. That was the storyline of Obamacare.

The exact same scenario is playing out with TPP. Do you know what’s in the details? I don’t. Neither do any of the Republicans voting for it. They openly admit it. Members of Congress need “security clearance” to be “allowed” to read it.

Leading GOP TPP supporter Sen. Orrin Hatch admitted he doesn’t fully know what’s in it.

GOP Majority Whip Steve Scalise and GOP Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions both admitted they haven’t read it.

Sen. Paul Ryan channeled Pelosi when he said: “It’s classified. You’ll find out what’s in it after we pass it and it’s declassified.”

Are you kidding me? The GOP now thinks its own voters are as dumb and ignorant as Democrats? Ryan thinks he should be allowed to pass bills the citizens aren’t “allowed” to read? Really? Then it’s time for the citizens to remove Ryan from office.

Folks, Obamacare was 2,000 pages of legalese that no average citizen could understand. That was the tip-off that it was a rip-off. But TPP makes Obamacare look open, honest and transparent. TPP is kept under lock and key. No citizen has access. No citizen has a clue what’s in it. Only senators and congressmen with security clearance can walk into a room in the Capitol building to read it — alone. Then they are required to leave without making copies or taking notes.

Does this sound strange to you? Does it sound surreal? Does it sound like it’s good for the people? To me, it sounds like a scam, a Ponzi scheme. Only criminals want their victims to sign contracts without reading them. It’s quite clear: The ruling class and the corporate elite think we are serfs, and they are our masters.

At this point, I don’t care what’s in it. If they don’t want us to read it, if Congress thinks it should pass it without knowing what’s in it, then our job is to burn it down, stick a knife in its heart, stab it until it can never again rear its ugly head.

But what is actually in it? Well, Wikileaks has leaked small parts of it. It appears it is a killer of American sovereignty. The TPP appoints a commission of soulless corporate lawyers with sweeping authority to override U.S. laws and our Constitution.

That commission will have sweeping power over U.S. trade, labor, immigration, environmental and commerce regulations. In other words, foreign and corporate powers will be running the United States. Unelected foreign lawyers representing multinational corporations will have more power than American citizens and even our politicians. And America gets only one vote on this commission. We’ll have no more power or importance over rules regulating our lives than Brunei or South Korea.

How does that sound to you?

But I don’t need to know all that. All I need to know is it’s supported by Obama. Heck, it’s been nicknamed “Obamatrade.” If Obama created it, it must be a toxic brew of onerous job-killing government regulation, insane job-killing climate change rules, illegal immigration amnesty that opens our borders to the poor and dependent of the world (i.e., future Democratic voters), and higher minimum wages that will drive small businesses out of business and guarantee millions more jobs are shipped overseas (where they can pay employees pennies on the dollar).

Obama doesn’t support free trade. He supports Big Brother government and the murder of the middle class. He loves to fool and defraud you by using cute, cuddly names. The bill that made your healthcare unaffordable was named the Affordable Care Act. Now the bill that destroys America’s free trade economy is disguised as “free trade.”

For once, the unions are right. This is a treaty that will destroy good-paying American jobs. It will destroy middle-class lives. It will make the American dream unaffordable. It’s time to rise up and kill it. And if the GOP won’t listen to its own voters and supporters, then it’s time to kill the GOP.

I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. God bless and protect America.


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