
Saturday, September 3, 2011

US turns a blind eye to invasion of the United States by Mexican Federal Police...

Armed Mexican Federal Police Cross Into United States\

Paul Joseph Watson

While the Department of Homeland Security is busy demonizing white middle class Americans as deadly security threats, armed Mexican troops and police are constantly witnessed violating border controls and entering the United States with guns drawn, but the federal government couldn’t seem to care less.

The latest incident concerns an incursion by armed Mexican Federal Police yesterday morning.

“U.S. Border Patrol spokesman Doug Mosier said armed officers with Mexico’s Secretaria de Seguridad Publica federal police were in the incursion, which took place in El Paso, near the Border Patrol’s Ysleta station,” reports ABC 7 News.

“An ABC-7 viewer contacted the station early Thursday, saying her son, husband and friends were hunting on the Rio Grande levy on the U.S. side when men on the Mexico side fired shots, narrowly missing them. She said more men on the Mexico side drove up with automatic weapons and into to U.S. side. She said the armed men fired weapons and stole hunters’ chairs and drove back into Mexico.”

When Border Patrol agents and Texas Parks and Wildlife officers arrived at the scene, the men fled and returned to Mexico.

Mexican troops as well as armed police have been routinely caught entering U.S. soil and firing on U.S. border patrol agents as well as civilian border patrol groups.

In December 2003, Jack Foote, national spokesman for property protection group Ranch Rescue, told NewsMax how “two armed Mexican soldiers wearing green combat fatigues and Kevlar helmets” violated U.S. territory before opening fire on a position only moments after it was vacated by the border group.

An August 2008 CNN report found that Mexican troops and law enforcement had illegally crossed the border no less than 42 times just since the previous October, relating another case of how Mexican troops had crossed the border and pointed rifles at a U.S. border patrol agent.

In October 2007, Mexican soldiers engaged in an armed standoff with nearly 30 American law enforcement officials on the southern U.S. border.

“At a spot more than 200 yards inside the U.S., Mexican Army troops set up several mounted machine guns when U.S. Border Patrol agents called for backup,” reported the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin.

Back in June of this year, a convoy of three military trucks loaded with Mexican soldiers crossed the border at Laredo Texas. The soldiers claimed they were lost and didn’t know the area despite the border being clearly signposted.

In March last year, Mexican military helicopters flew over Falcon Heights, a south Texas border town, for 15 minutes before heading back to Mexico.

“They had armored individuals in the chopper, open ramp, very military looking, in style and preparation,” said Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez Jr.

“It’s proof the Mexican military sees no boundaries,” reported local KRGV News’ Stephanie Stone, adding that the incident wasn’t the first of its kind and wouldn’t be the last.

Despite repeated dangerous violations of US sovereignty and border controls by armed soldiers of a foreign power, the DHS is more concerned about pointing the finger at middle class American citizens, most recently in a series of PSA’s that portray white people as the most likely terrorists.


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