Uncle Sam: The Godfather Of Terrorism And Taxable Vices
Good ol' Uncle Sam, he's been the progenitor of America for a very long time. He has represented America's need for young men and women to go to foreign lands and fight for America. Little did we know that Uncle Sam is the head of a global crime syndicate which is hell-bent on the acquisition and subjugation of other nations by any means, but he has not forgotten about America and what we have to offer.
In the past, the syndicate has given special permission to small-time criminal organizations allowing them to provide all manner of attractions and distractions to the people. These criminals would offer services such as illegal lotteries, prostitution, alcohol, drugs, gambling and loansharking. This turned into a major enterprise for the criminals.
But Uncle Sam and his cartel cronies were not happy with getting just a percentage of the proceeds.
By the turn of the century the criminals became entrepreneurs selling their vices to everyone from factory workers to heads of state. Organized crime began to imitate the dynastic families, and operate in a similar fashion. Their extortion operations were called 'The Black Hand' as they were aware of The Black Nobility of Europe and their American relatives. The ruling families of Europe were called the black nobility, and they were infamous for mass murder, kidnapping, exploitation and establishing monopolies. The British East India Company sold opium around the world. They bribed or killed anyone who got in their way. The real process of mafiadom was established and it reverberated through their heinous actions.
The burgeoning beer barons took their cues from the European families. You could not join their ranks unless they could trace your lineage back to Sicily, which is also why most U.S. presidents and dignitaries are directly related to élite European families. The Italian mafia ran smoothly due to a hierarchical order, in the same fashion as the aristocrats have for centuries. The occult aristocrats and their secret criminal empires are managed on all levels; as above, so below.
All good things come to an end, though, as the vice lords of the 1900s were pushed aside by legislation and regulation. Governments today now directly benefit from most of the "vice" products and services that were once illegal . . . so move over Al Capone and Dutch Schultz, Uncle Sam is the new boss.
I find it completely absurd that governments today tax alcohol and prostitution. We have state lotteries and legalized gambling, both are taxed heavily. I am sure that eventually drugs will be legalized so that governments can collect billions in taxes. I believe in the right of people to put whatever they want in their bodies, but it is hypocritical to put people in jail for a crime only to make it legal and the criminals become business partners. You can still go to jail today for producing or distributing alcohol if you don't have a license. Get this license, pay this fee, kiss the ring and then you can go to work.
The godfather has connections in state and federal government. All of these bureaucratic cronies have their hands in your pockets. Most people never notice but there are numerous taxes in everything from a can of beer to a carton of smokes. Uncle Sam exploits all of our habits, but at the same time tries to appear as if he cares about our well-being with a few public service announcements. Today's government is the real mafia; the IMF and the IRS are their enforcers, but we'll discuss that topic at a later date. As this trend of incremental taxation continues you won't be able to kiss your wife without the tax man knocking at your door.
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