
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gold and silver to go higher...economic collapse coming sooner than later?

1650 and 42

By Turd Ferguson

IF The Republocrats in The House pass their bill tonight and IF The Republocrats in The Senate approve their's over the weekend, the differences must then be reconciled in a conference committee. Then, IF reconciled, both chambers MUST pass the new, singular version. By Tuesday. Our esteemed, illustrious and supremely qualified President must then sign the bill into law.

Hmmm. When you look at it that way, it sure doesn't seem likely that they're going to get it done. I'd say that the chances are now greater than 50/50 that The Regime raises the debt limit by Executive Order. If O'bottom goes this direction, you can bet your arse that he won't just piddle around with a puny increase. He'll raise that baby by at least $2T, enough to last through the 2012 election. This will result in two things:

1) A complete loss of confidence in the ability and desire of the U.S. government to address their disastrous fiscal "situation".

2) An inevitable downgrade of U.S. debt by the major credit rating agencies to AA+, at a minimum.

Both of these developments are extremely bullish for the PMs. Extremely bullish. They also signify a major signpost on the road to economic disaster. Remember, quantitative easing is, at its core, simply about buying time. The idea was that if, by buying treasuries, The Fed could keep rates down long enough, the economy would recover and tax revenues would increase sufficiently to sustain The Great Ponzi. To no one's surprise, it didn't work, and now Fed/Govt/TBTF Complex faces their end game.

In order to survive, The Fed MUST now continue QE at an even greater pace. The PMs and all commodities will see their multi-year rallies accelerate. Economic conditions will continue to worsen. Tax revenues will remain stagnant or decline. The annual U.S. budget deficit will widen. The dollar index will break down through the March 2008 lows of around 71. The ratings agencies will be forced to downgrade U.S. debt once again. To keep rates on current and past debt low, The Fed will have to engage in even more QE. The entire U.S. ponzi scheme will continue circling the drain faster and faster until the bottom finally falls out...

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