
Friday, July 1, 2011

"Thanks to DC’s dictatorship, the Tenth Amendment has received more of a work-out during the last decade than in all the other years since Appomattox put together."

The Tenth and the TSA

by Becky Akers

Last week, Ohio’s "GOP-controlled Senate" passed a resolution that "would place an issue on the November ballot … prohibit[ing] any law from forcing Ohioans to participate in a health care system." The measure now heads to Ohio’s House. It needs 60 votes there, which seems likely since "Republicans hold 59 out of 99 seats."

Ohioans are probably shaking in their boots lest the proposition pass. Sure, it could save them from dying in wretched, government-controlled hospitals, but what if the Feds retaliate by closing all the doctor’s offices in the state? Or, horror of horrors, they could declare Ohio a "No-Health Zone."

Those fears probably resonate with Texans. After all, Obama’s goons threatened to ground aviation in the state and turn the place into a "No-Fly Zone" last month when its legislature toyed with prohibiting the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from sexually assaulting passengers.

If the Feds again rise to such extortion (they can’t stoop to it since they’re already lower than a maggot’s hindquarters), let’s hope Ohio’s legislature shows more gumption than Texas’ did -- but don’t count on it: the only difference between the weasels in Austin and Columbus is 1200 miles.

Given Texas’ tyrants’ craven caving, you might think no state had defied the Feds since Abraham Lincoln butchered Southerners for doing so. But the reality is just the opposite. Thanks to DC’s dictatorship, the Tenth Amendment has received more of a work-out during the last decade than in all the other years since Appomattox put together.

First came the REAL ID Act, an attempt from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to turn states’ driver’s licenses into a national ID. It’s doubtful the unconstitutionality – of either driver’s licenses or REAL ID -- bothered any governor, but the expense of bringing his Bureau of Motor Vehicles into line with the DHS’s decrees certainly did. To date, 19 states have "rejected" REAL ID.

Obamacare faces a similar revolt. Whether states legislate to void medical fascism within their borders a la Ohio or whether they join the lawsuits against it, they’re defying the central government.

So Texas and the other four states hoping to forbid the TSA’s groping have plenty of company as they try to diminish federal depredations on their citizens. And Texas was off to a solid start last month – a noteworthy achievement since punishing Leviathan’s lackeys for their atrocities is rarer among politicians than fidelity to their spouses...

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