
Sunday, July 3, 2011

a letter to Rick Perry...

USS Liberty survivor Joe Meadors sends following to Texas governor Rick Perry

Open Letter to Rick Perry:

Governor Perry,

I am one of the Americans waiting in Athens for the Freedom Flotilla to get underway in our effort to deliver humanitarian supplies to the people of Gaza. I was also on the Flotilla last year and was aboard the USS Liberty when the ship was attacked by Israel on June 8, 1967.

A few years ago at my request you issued a proclamation honoring the crew of the USS Liberty.

When I submitted the request I ensured you were aware of the atrocities that were committed against us. I made sure you were aware that we were attacked by unmarked aircraft; that our radios were jammed on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies; that our life rafts were deliberately machine gunned in the water by the attacking Israeli torpedo boats; that when they ceased their attack the Israeli torpedo boats departed the scene for over an hour leaving the crew of a torpedoed and sinking ship with no chance of survival had our ship gone down.

I also ensured you were aware that two flights of rescue aircraft that had been launched from nearby Sixth Fleet aircraft carriers were recalled while we were still under attack and calling for help which allowed the Israelis to continue their attack unhampered by the threat of Sixth Fleet intervention.

I understand that you have urged U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to take legal steps to stop the Americans from taking part in the Freedom Flotilla or to prosecute us if we make the attempt.

When you issued the USS Liberty proclamation you expressed absolutely no concern that we were attacked by unmarked aircraft; that our radios were jammed on both US Navy tactical and international maritime distress frequencies; that our life rafts were deliberately machine gunned in the water; and, that we were ordered to be abandoned by the US Sixth Fleet while we were still under attack and calling for help.

When you issued the USS Liberty proclamation you didn’t follow it with any press release condemning the barbaric acts that were committed against us.

Governor Perry, why are you recommending prosecution of the Americans trying to deliver humanitarian supplies but not of those who machine gunned our life rafts in the water or ordered us to be abandoned while we were under fire?

Governor Perry, why does the attempted delivery of humanitarian suplies to Gaza elicit your condemnation but the deliberate machine gunning of American life rafts in the water doesn’t elicit even a modicum of concern?

Joe Meadors
4322 Wood River Drive
Corpus Christi, TX 78410-5643
Tel: +30 6943 189 525 (in Athens, Greece)


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