
Monday, February 13, 2012

"Judge Napolitano is a liberty-loving truth-teller who openly talked about the dangers of the NDAA, warrant-less searches, the truth about the Federal Reserve and many other topics that aren’t normally covered in the hoax media (mainstream media). Apparently, his show was striking too close to the truth, and Fox News axed it."

USA censorship on the rise as YouTube censors video critical of government; Fox News pulls Judge Napolitano’s Freedom Watch

Mike Adams

What was arguably the very best liberty-oriented political show on cable television has been pulled by Fox News. Judge Andrew Napolitano’sFreedom Watchis being cancelled, according to a Fox News press release (

Judge Napolitano is a liberty-loving truth-teller who openly talked about the dangers of the NDAA, warrant-less searches, the truth about the Federal Reserve and many other topics that aren’t normally covered in the hoax media (mainstream media). Apparently, his show was striking too close to the truth, and Fox News axed it.

A massive viewer outcry has already resulted in a tidal wave of emails being sent to Fox News in protest of the show cancellation. The explosion of protest against the show’s cancellation has been so large that Judge Napolitano has now appealed to his fans to hold off and stop sending emails. In a message on his FaceBook page, he writes:

“It will be far more productive for my work at Fox and the work of my friends and colleagues here — many of whom share our values — if the email traffic to Fox toned down considerably. I will continue to voice the message of freedom in many more Fox venues, and you will hear that message, and we will do our best to alert you in advance of those venues and the times that I will be on them; and we will post those alerts right here on this site. PLEASE BE SURE TO WATCH THE FINAL FreedomWatch SHOW ON MONDAY FEBRUARY 13TH, ON FOX BUSINESS AT 8:00 PM, EASTERN TIME. You have been very strong in your views and generous in your comments about the show, but now is the time to relax and lay low and prepare for the future. God bless each of you.”(

Google / YouTube censors the Health Ranger’s TSA animation video

At the same time Judge Napolitano’s show is being pulled, YouTube has censored my satire TSA animation video by placing anage restrictionon it, preventing the video from ever going super-viral.

This hilarious video, entitled, “TSA Help Wanted,” dares to expose the total perversion and idiocy of the criminal TSA thugs who molest little children and elderly women at the airport. The video depicts actual crimes that are routinely committed by TSA agents every day across America. You can still watch the video on our own NaturalNews video network at:

As an active member of the online artistic community, I am well known for writing songs and posting music videos (, posting comedy skit videos (, publishing poetry (…), and posting educational and informative animations such asthe Fluoride Deception(

YouTube’s age-restriction censorship of myTSA Help Wantedanimation is a clear example of oppression against artistic expression and a dark mirror of the kind of free speech blackouts that regularly occur in Communist China. “TSA Help Wanted” is clearly being censored not because of its content (it contains no profanity and shows no actual nudity) butbecause it is critical of the government.

This is precisely the sort of “political censorship” practiced in Red China as a way to silence criticism of the corrupt government and protect the political elite.

Alex Jones comments on YouTube censorship of TSA video

Late last week, Alex Jones ( placed myTSA Help Wantedvideo on his InfoWars YouTube channel. He knew the video was extremely powerful and had the potential to be seen by millions, exposing the criminal pervert behavior of the TSA.

Within mere hours, Google / YouTube had slapped an age restriction on the video in theAlex Jones Channel( In response, Alex expressed his outrage at the censorship, saying:

“This video was so incredible that Mike Adams put out. Adams had a masterful video making fun of the thuggish behavior, and how these bullies get off on abusing people. It was devastating. It was a perfect 10, five stars. It’s titled ‘TSA Help Wanted.’ And they’ve blocked it for the general public to see, claiming that it is vulgar, when it just shows photos and video of what TSA does to our children and wives and husbands and everybody else. So they’re censoring what you can see, and it’s all part of their selective enforcement.”(

He goes on to say:

“This is the video the TSA doesn’t want you to see. Because they don’t like being made fun of. These authoritarian thugs want to be taken seriously, they want to scare you, but they don’t want to be laughed at. And they’re scared at this master work that Mike Adams the Health Ranger has put out. I even told my guys, we’re gonna post that and they’re gonna take it down, it’s just too powerful, and they did, because they are scared of the truth.”

Alex posted another commentary video about the censorship at:

It’s okay to molest children, but you can’t expose molesting children

The message in the censorship of this TSA video is clear: It’s okay to molest little children and elderly women at the airport, but it’snotokay to expose the fact that this molestation is happening. That’s “inappropriate.”

It’s okay for TSA agents to plant bags of cocaine in your luggage, but it’s not okay toexposeTSA agents planting bags of cocaine in your luggage. That’s “inappropriate.”

It’s okay for TSA agents to steal your portable electronics and profit by selling them on eBay, but it’s not okay toexposeTSA agents stealing your electronics. That’s “inflammatory.”

It’s okay for Janet Napolitano to brainwash Americans into spying on each other like a band of paranoid sniveling maniacs, but it’s not okay toexposethe secret police agenda of the Department of Motherland Security. That’s a “conspiracy theory.”

Do you see how this works? Google, YouTube and the hoax media all want you to believe it’s perfectly fine for TSA agents to stick their fingers in your anus or vagina, to fondle your scrotum, to cause elderly people to leak urine all over themselves, to demean you and sexually molest you. But god forbid anyone who actuallyexposesthat this is going on — they’re kooks! Conspiracy theorists! Maybe even terrorists!

Anyone critical of the government is obviously a total whack job, right? Because as all North Koreans know, their government is their God! And we should all bow down and worship the United States federal government like a bunch of groveling swine, right?

That’s the new police state Amerika. Anyone with actual knowledge of reality is banned, censored and marginalized. Only those who go along with total criminality, total child sex molestations, and total police state domination of all freedoms are left alone by the tyrannical government and the dominant corporations that filter information to brainwash the public.

Real information is under attack

SOPA was the government’s attempt to take down all websites critical of the government itself (…). It would have removed, and many other websites from the internet, “cleansing” the internet of all truthful information and leaving only government-approved lies and disinformation in its wake.

ACTA is the next attempt to censor the internet and remove all truth-telling websites:

This is all being done under the excuse of “fighting piracy” or fighting the “war on terror” (which has been completely fabricated to sell more fear). What’s clear from all this is that the information controllers of the world (technology companies, the hoax media, governments, etc.) are all tightening their grip in an all-out effort to erase the truth from the internet, leaving only official lies and disinformation in its place.

If it all sounds like theMinistry of Truthfrom1984, that’s because it is. We are now living in an age of total revisionist reality, where the real world is now called a “conspiracy theory” and only the fake hoax world is socially acceptable as being real.

In the fake hoax delusional reality sold by the media and the government, terrorism is a constant threat to your safety (it isn’t), aspartame is totally safe to consume (it isn’t), vaccines are actually GOOD for you (they aren’t), nutritional supplements are worthless (huh?), psychiatric drugs make you happy (they don’t), and the government is here to save you (gee, really?)

Red China USA

More and more, Amerika is coming to resemble Red China in its total censorship of the truth. And that’s no surprise, given that U.S. technology companies actually helpedbuildChina’s “great wall of censorship.” Try to search the history of Tiananmen Square in a search engine in China, and any results mentioning the student revolt and near-revolution that took place there are wiped out of existence.

Real history is a “conspiracy theory” in China, and increasingly so in the USA. Actual facts are associated with “terrorism” or “questioning the government.” Anyone who is critical of the government is automatically labeled a possible terrorist. This is true in Communist China, and it’s increasingly true in the USA now, too.

People who live in reality are called “nut jobs,” in other words, while people who believe in all the mass media delusions are categorized as “normal.”

Help us fight this censorship. Spread the word about this censored TSA video (which also happens to be ROFLMAO funny…)

Feel free to download it, copy it, and post it to your own video account on YouTube or elsewhere. This video is available under the “creative commons” license, so it’s free to share as long as you credit the source (

Help us fight tyranny and censorship on the ‘web. Without freedom of expression, we are doomed to suffer under a system of total lies and disinformation on the web.

If you want to stay free, you must stay informed. Help protect the First Amendment, and spread the word on this censorship story.


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