
Friday, February 10, 2012

"It is impossible to think that our best and brightest economic minds somehow missed the impending collapse of 2008. It is unfathomable to consider that the financial geniuses of this country, people highly educated with master’s degrees in economics and finance, didn’t see this coming, nor understand the proper approach in how to dig ourselves out."

FEMA Doc And NDAA Could Bring Martial Law Crackdown

An Engineered Collapse Of The Economy Would Trigger A US Police State

The Intel Hub
By Tim Watts
February 10, 2012

This article was originally published in early January and has been posted here due to its increasingly important message.

This is part 3 of an exclusive series on NDAA. You can read part 1 here and part 2 here.

In September I wrote a piece titled The Fascist Takeover of the United States. It was my assessment that the current economic meltdown was no accident. It was a devious, meticulously calculated plot to sink the United States and the world to its knees, to bring about the long planned new world order dreamt about by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.

It wasn’t rocket science to figure out. All you had to do was look at the facts of the crisis and then examine the recourse taken by the Federal Reserve. Our best and brightest financial minds took a 180 away from the best option to stimulate the economy, choosing instead to bypass the taxpayer, retail and manufacturing, and going right to the crooks that created the disaster in the first place.

That was my first clue that something was awry, that something was terribly amiss. It is impossible to think that our best and brightest economic minds somehow missed the impending collapse of 2008. It is unfathomable to consider that the financial geniuses of this country, people highly educated with master’s degrees in economics and finance, didn’t see this coming, nor understand the proper approach in how to dig ourselves out.

The fact that they took the backward approach to the bailouts was a huge tip-off for this reporter. They chose to compound the problem with hyperinflation and to reward the crooks that are responsible for the collapse. So that was question one for me that something was terribly wrong.

The next red flag that stood out was the renewal of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2012 (NDAA). Normally a defense spending bill, but this time it had a new twist added, the indefinite detention of people “suspected” to be terrorists, including American citizens.

This was puzzling to me because there are already other acts that allow for this, such as the Patriot Act and the Homegrown Terrorism Act, among others. So I spent a couple of weeks studying the NDAA. What became readily apparent to me, aside from the strange redundancy among terrorism bills, was one key difference, that law enforcement was omitted and replaced with the military.

This was a deafening siren of alarm for two reasons. Number one, it went against the long standing Posse Comitatus Act which expressly forbids the military from civil law enforcement in the US. Number two, with only one terrorist attack in ten years, it was totally unnecessary.

The House version of the bill was HR-1540 and the Senate version was S-1867. Both legislative bodies passed the bill with flying colors, despite the reservations raised by many, including this author. Fortunately some in Congress, such as Congressmen Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Ron Paul (R-TX), both had a keener insight than their peers, choosing to vote no on the bill.

Nevertheless, both versions of the bill passed and went through reconciliation and then President Obama signed the treasonous bill.

With all of the above in mind, this author came to the conclusion that the NDAA had a more sinister intent. It didn’t take long to put the puzzle pieces together and surmise that the impending economic collapse was going to be tied to the NDAA.

One only has to think for a moment of the repercussions when the economy crashes, totally, and there’s no food, no gas, possibly no utilities. People will indeed rise up en masse at that time, as expected… and planned for by the powers that be.

At that point the military will be set forth upon the cities and streets of the US and martial law will be declared. And don’t be surprised if part of that military presence won’t be the cut-throat infantries of Academi, formerly known as Xe, and Blackwater.

Armed Police State

I need to back up for a moment and explain one more reason why I found the NDAA’s designation of the military as being suspicious. Those that follow the fascist changes in our government since 9/11 know all too well of the militarization of this country’s local police force.

For the last ten years our government has been militarizing local police forces with some of the most state of the art equipment imaginable through a program known as the 1033 Program, passed in 1997 by Congress to provide law enforcement agencies with offensive assault equipment for fighting terrorism.

This has been an arming of local law enforcement the likes of which has never been seen in this country’s history. US police have been provided with M-16 assault rifles, bulletproof Kevlar body protection, with kneepads, vests and helmets.

They’re received flash grenade and tear gas grenade launchers, armored personnel carriers with battering rams, tear gas launchers and turrets on top. They’ve also got armored tanks, and even Shadowhawk drones equipped with night vision capabilities and possible grenade launcher addition.

Other Army equipment includes remote controlled inspection robots, riverboats, helmet-mounted infrared goggles, mobile command units and Puma armored tactical vehicles.

Probably the most popular military item by far is the 10-man armored personnel carriers, weighing 16,000 pounds with a top running speed of 80 mph and costing anywhere from $256,000 to $270,000 a piece.

Folks, this is equipment normally used in war, or for Rambo. Some even go so far as to wear the actual camo-combat uniforms, admittedly to provide a shock and awe aspect.

The Pentagon dispersed $500-million in equipment in 2011, over double the $212-million doled out the previous year. This apparently doesn’t even take into account the billions disseminated through federal grant money for anti-terrorism. Homeland Security awarded more than $2-billion in grants to local police in 2011. Advance orders for 2012 have risen 400 percent, according to the Pentagon Defense Logistics Agency.

Over 17,000 law enforcement agencies are currently stocking up on military equipment. Since 9/11, nearly $35-BILLION (34.8) in Federal grants have been awarded.

When gung-ho testosterone coursing cops get powerful new assault toys, they look for any chance to use them. As an example, just look at the proliferation of taser use. Even though they can be deadly and well over 400 people have died from them, they have become the hands down popular choice of police departments nationwide.

In another example that indicates police look for reasons to use their new toys, figures show that SWAT team activity has risen significantly since the 1033 Program began, despite statistics showing that US crime rates have dropped to 40-year lows. Police appear to be getting more aggressive since receiving their new technical military power.

Some people are asking why police officers need tanks and grenade launchers in the first place.

The first question that comes to mind for me is, why have the purchase numbers gone up so high in 2011, and even higher yet for upcoming 2012? Why is the proliferation of police armament growing exponentially larger at this time?

I think the point is well made that these cops are armed to the teeth. These are not the police that your parents grew up with. They are more than capable to deal with terrorist attacks. T

he government has poured billions into this effort, so why make the investment and then forsake it for a military presence with NDAA? Does that make sense to invest billions of dollars and then suddenly say that we now need the military instead?

The NDAA Threat

So now that you know our law enforcement has been beefed up with military power, you have to ask yourself why the US military would possibly be needed for a few random terrorists? Why did the NDAA have to be amended to stipulate that military force should be used in the US if our police force has every bit the same capability?

They claim that we had 19 terrorists involved on 9/11, so how many are they expecting now? Are they expecting whole infantries of bazooka toting Muslim terrorist radicals? (An oxymoron if ever there was one.)

If LA and New York could put up over a thousand police against simple Occupy protestors (1,400 at LA OWS), surely they can handle a terrorist threat with their new military-style armor.

More often than not, dealing with terrorist attacks is a post disaster issue. The few times that we are lucky enough to break up plots before the attacks, police SWAT teams have done the job. (And most of those were FBI-led terror plots to begin with.) We didn’t have to call in the Army.

We certainly didn’t do it for 9/11 or the anthrax attacks. If, God forbid, we should ever have a nuclear or biological attack on US soil, the Army wouldn’t be needed since we already have able bodied citizen National Guard units for this. Face it folks, Armies are for an overwhelming show of force against a large body of people.

Exactly what is our government expecting?

So, given the current overly weaponized state of US law enforcement, what is the new impetus to put military soldiers on our streets for the occasional terrorist? We’ve had one terrorist attack on domestic soil in ten years. Aside from the alleged 19 terrorists on 9/11, it’s not like we have teams of radicals threatening everyday life in the US. So why the sudden push for the military, especially now, a decade after 9/11?

My thought is that it’s not about terrorists at all, but a much larger force that they fear, us! It would seem that they want the new amended NDAA law in effect for when the US economy crashes, to suppress “we the people.”

Quite frankly, the biggest threat to the US is the economy. The deadliest villain we face comes from within, the Wall Street pariahs and the Federal Reserve banksters.

Let’s be clear about the main issue, the military use in America is the key aspect of the NDAA bill. The ACLU waged an all out campaign against this legislation because it has the ability to be the last component of a permanent US police state.


Now, here comes an integral piece of the puzzle that ties the economic collapse and the newly amended NDAA bill together.

At the same time that the Senate was debating S-1867, the NDAA for fiscal year 2012, it appears that according to a recently uncovered Federal Emergency Management Agency document, FEMA was hammering out its own plan which appears to outline a martial law takeover via Continuity of Government (COG) through the engineered collapse of our economy.

The nefarious powers that be might very well employ use of the Hegelian principle, whereby they create a seemingly insurmountable problem (collapsed economy), then wait for the pained reaction (people desperate for food), before eventually offering a secretly prearranged solution (new currency system) which wouldn’t normally be accepted under non-threatening circumstances.

New government guidelines say that if you have more than a week’s worth of food, you could be suspected of being a terrorist. You have to seriously question why anyone in the US government would dare try to restrict its citizens from having more than a week’s worth of food. You would think that a caring government would want its people to have as much food as possible. It just makes good sense.

As a matter of fact, FEMA has long been an advocate of having extra food on hand, just in case of emergency. Many people get paid every two weeks, so when they shop for groceries, they tend to shop for two weeks at a time. So why all of a sudden does the government not want its citizens to have more than seven days of food on hand?

Perhaps they want to keep people in short supply in order to control them in a time of crisis? Nothing else about the seven day food limit makes much sense.

As Henry Kissinger once said, “Control oil and you control nations. Control food and you control people“

The FEMA document outlines new COG contingency plans for establishment of support personnel and administrative officials. On page three it lays out directives for dealing with the general public through use of Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA), a military identification system designed to designate friend and foe. It also talks of Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), as well as Command and Control. These are all warfare designations and terminology that have no legitimate reason for being used on US soil.

This is obviously why the NDAA says the US is now considered part of the battlefield. Under the Blue Force Situational Awareness, all COG, FEMA and military personnel would be designated with a blue code for friendly. One can only guess who then gets the red designation, since this applies to the US. It is a good bet that the general populace would be given a red code for enemy, or adversary.

The big question looming is, why on American soil do we have to implement procedures for combat, such as the Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA) protocol?

Under the plan all communication systems would come under authority of FEMA and the COG. This very well might explain the first ever national emergency alert drill that was recently held back in November.

Perhaps they were testing the new network so that they had the capability in place to inform all Americans that martial law was being enacted and to remain inside their homes. The uncanny questionable timing with the NDAA amendment and this newly uncovered FEMA plan certainly gives one pause to wonder.

Recently uncovered government documents show that US FEMA detention camps have been put on 72 hour standby, waiting to spring to life at a moment’s notice.

The plan even reveals a long denied government emergency operations base, called a DUMB facility, short for Deep Underground Military Base. It is a 564 acre Homeland Security center 64 miles west of Washington DC called Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center (MWEOC).

If you think this is all a bit unsettling, or too bizarre to be real, then you should take a good look at the recently unearthed document which came from a publicly accessed government procurement website, which details this secret plan.

Connecting The Dots

This uncovered FEMA document could very well explain why the NDAA was amended to give the military authority to intervene in domestic law enforcement activities and detain US citizens indefinitely, usurping long standing Posse Comitatus laws in the process.

It offers a reason why the economy was engineered to collapse, to become the catalyst for the destabilization of the US government as we used to know it. If so, this provides the mechanism for a global takeover by the ultra-rich Rothschild-Rockefeller central banking cartel, to bring about their new world order, a one world rule by the ultra-rich oligarchs.

This is the culmination of the most treasonous plot this country ever knew, which began in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve system.

Some wonder why there is the need for a new Continuity of Government plan (COG) when there is already an existing plan in place. In the 1980s, Rex84 was uncovered during questioning of Colonel Oliver North at a hearing over Iran-Contra.

On 9/11 the COG went into effect and to this day no one knows for certain if it was ever dissolved. Bush and Obama both have continued to sign and maintain the state of emergency order that was put into effect after the attacks.

So why are we now crafting a new COG, the 2011 NCP? What is so secret about the document that our government doesn’t want citizens to know? Could it perhaps be the reference to the long denied Mt. Weather facility? One could argue that this knee-jerk reaction is all for not, considering that most of our adversaries already have as much or more general intelligence on Mt. Weather as the American public has.

Whatever the reason, many are seriously questioning the government’s effort to now hide the recently discovered FEMA document.

Another curiosity from that document regarding Mt. Weather… if it’s supposed to be an internal classified government document, why do they go out of their way to describe the facility in travel brochure style if it’s for government agencies that already have access to the information? (“A 546 acre facility approximately 64 miles west of Washington, DC.”) It appears as if they’re introducing it for the first time. It certainly doesn’t sound like they’re being too secretive about it.

The timing of this uncovered continuity of government plan at this point in current history is certainly very circumspect to many who have taken note of the document. Many government readiness initiatives have already been implemented in the last year, with a significant portion coming together just since November.

November 9… the government conducted its first ever nationwide test of the EAS, the Emergency Alert System. Essentially the same as the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System), many questioned the impetus of a nationwide alert test at that time because we went through the entire cold war era without ever having a coast to coast test, plus another ten years after 9/11. So why all of a sudden did they decide to have a test in November? Seems kind of odd to go a decade after 9/11 before ever considering this.

November 18… FEMA publishes its Continuity of Government Plan NCP / PAMSS. This is the document that has stirred the recent fuss.

November 28… the Senate passes the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2012, S-1867. The bill was sent to the reconciliation committee to be joined with the House version of the bill, HR-1540.

December 8… the White House releases its Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) to address ideologically-inspired violent extremism in the Homeland. The document states, “As a government, we are working to prevent all types of extremism that leads to violence, regardless of who inspires it.” -President Barack Obama. This dovetails with the Empowering Local Partners To Prevent Violent Extremism In The United States which was released on August 1st.

December 16… the House and Senate Reconciliation Committee passes the NDAA, National Defense Authorization Act, sending it on to President Obama to sign.

The fact that all of this has come together all at once is hard to accept as coincidence. Couple that with the “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on September 27th and you have to wonder what all the fuss is about. It would seem that our government is preparing for something.

As if all of this isn’t a big enough assault on “we the people” and what few rights we still have left, we are now threatened with losing our right to free speech on the internet through SOPA HR 3261 (October 26) and PIPA S.968 (May 12).

These acts portend to be about copyright infringement and online piracy, but as with many bills, the devil is in the details. Underneath it all, the focus seems to be more about internet free speech infringement and website piracy than anything else.

It’s also extremely interesting to note that once the FEMA NCP/PAMSS continuity of government document was discovered, it was immediately pulled down from the internet. Curious indeed.

Regarding the new SIP program, a question that seems pertinent to ask is who gets to define “extremism” in America? Will the definition of extremism be limited to citizens lawfully expressing concern over government crimes of state, or will it extend to include Wall Street and Federal Reserve policies that endanger the economic state of the nation while a select few profit?

Will the definition of violent extremism include an administration that conducts illegal invasions and unprovoked wars with sovereign nations, or will they once again target 9/11 truth members and Occupy protestors?

So, the big question is, what is going on? What is our government preparing for?

If you follow the criminal cabal that runs this country, you probably recall new world order poster boy ZbigniewBrzezinski’s forecast of civil unrest in early July. He predicted at the time, with a half smile and a glint in his eye, that it would begin with the lower middle class and those who perceived social injustice had befallen them.

When the economy has been purposefully imploded to bring about economic disparity, Brzezinski isn’t really prophesying as much as he is announcing what is sure to come.

Make no mistake about it folks, we’re purposely being steered on a pre-mapped course for destruction. It is the educated opinion of many that the ultra-rich powers that be have engineered every bit of this to drive us into their new world order. An orchestrated plan is unfolding for our demise and their benefit.

Economy is tanking badly, sliding into a complete collapse.
NDAA provides for indefinite detention and military law enforcement.
SOPA and PIPA threaten internet free speech.
White House initiates SIP to guard against “extremism.”
FEMA NCP plan outlines US continuity of government takeover.

If you’re not alarmed about all of the sudden new legislation in 2011 that threatens our freedom and our bill of rights, then you’re just not paying attention.


It would appear that those ultra-wealthy powers that are hell-bent on destroying the United States in order to achieve their new world order, are doing so not under one act, but under many cleverly hidden pieces of legislation.

The foundation for our republic and our democracy is being meticulously assaulted and torn away with cunning and deception. Carefully crafted legislation has undermined our Constitution and eroded our liberty, ironically under the guise of preserving both. A complicit media has been a key linchpin in the coup, but a servile populace, lulled to sleep by the media, has enabled its own peril.

The cabal that controls our politicians and our government has shifted their takeover plan into 5th gear. They are racing ahead at breakneck speed and appear to be in fear of losing the control they’ve worked to accrue. They have been moving quite fast and as a result have exposed themselves out of their fear.

They see a Ron Paul campaign gaining steam, and that’s the last thing they want. Dr. Paul and Congressman Dennis Kucinich are both outspoken critics of the Federal Reserve and both want to have it turned over to the US Treasury. As Paul’s star begins to shine brighter on the campaign trail, this crooked cartel seems to be pulling out all the stops to try and save their patient 98 year plan for world domination. They know full well that a Paul presidency would be the end of their criminal regime.

NewsFocus has alerted key trustworthy Congressional members in regards to what is unfolding. It is hoped that the white hats of Washington can prevail on our behalf before it is too late.

With the good Lord’s help, the criminal rat bastards of wealth that are behind this coup will be arrested for their high crimes and finally see prison time. It is our fervent hope and prayer that their long treasonous coup will finally fail. These imperial forces must be stopped at all cost for our republic to prevail.

If indeed their plan should blow up on them, the world will have Joe Joseph and his wife Angie to thank. They are the ones who uncovered the smoking gun FEMA NCP document. They have given us all a fighting chance to stop this coup before it happens.

Joe hosts a two-hour program called Freedom Link Radio which broadcasts Tuesday and Thursday night from 9:00 to 11:00 and Sunday from 7:00 to 9:00pm on Orion Radio. Please check out Joe’s YouTube site at Freedom Link Radio. There is more on this story at Alex Jones InfoWars website.

This story will be updated as more information becomes public. You may have noticed by now that the one place you won’t find this story discussed, much like NDAA and SIP, is the mainstream media. As details present themselves, NewsFocus and The Intel Hub will post updates.


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