
Monday, February 13, 2012

"How could 93 out of 100 U.S. Senators vote to give the President the power to have the military apprehend and detain anyone the President labels a "terrorist" or a criminal, without any evidence against the accused? These imbecilic senators have willfully approved of turning America into a banana republic and have turned the presidency into a dictatorship!"

Why Are Government Bureaucrats Turning America Into Nazi Germany?

by Scott Lazarowitz

I’m sorry to put it in such a crass way, but that is exactly what they are doing. Ever since the September 11th attacks, these power-grabbing scoundrels have been putting policies in place that were planned well before 9/11, searching us, tracking, frisking, scanning, taxing and regulating and spying on us.

The War on Terror and the War on Drugs have a combined effect of really being the government’s war on us, the American people, and a war on freedom. The airport TSA is now spreading over to train stations and bus depots, football stadiums and other public places.

While these non-productive bureaucrats are suggesting that their intrusive, Nazi-like policies are to prevent terrorism, they themselves have been terrorizing the American people, and treating us all like criminal suspects, like prisoners.

The latest are the FBI’s wanting Internet café owners to report on "suspicious" people, and the FBI and DHS wanting other businesses to report on people for behaviors that are really normal behaviors. (See here, here, here, and here.)

Paying for things with cash in Internet cafes or other businesses is seen as "suspicious" now. Other behaviors that are suspicious, according to the FBI and DHS, include believing in "individual liberty," distrusting "centralized federal authority," and "supporting political movements for autonomy." Hey! I believe those things! And I pay for things with cash! But why the hell is the government telling the local police or businesses I patronize that because of those things that I am "suspicious"?

What these schmucks are in fact doing with all this is terrorizing ME! When I go into the store and pay with cash, I have to be concerned now that people there will view me with suspicion or report me to police. Just because of paying with cash!

And I also have a blog, and I’ve written quite a lot of articles, most of which promote "individual liberty," and which express "suspicion of centralized federal authority" (Gee, I wonder why!), and which promote "autonomy," and which promote getting rid of the Nazi-like, Soviet-like federal Leviathan altogether and letting each state have its independence and sovereignty, which is the right of all people within any given territorial area to have. THAT makes me "suspicious"!

What I don’t understand is, why are there so few advocates of liberty within the government to fight against this turning of America into Nazi Germany? Oh, sure, there’s Ron Paul, and there’s Rand Paul. But why don’t we who actually love America and who actually want freedom here have any real representation in government?

How could 93 out of 100 U.S. Senators vote to give the President the power to have the military apprehend and detain anyone the President labels a "terrorist" or a criminal, without any evidence against the accused? These imbecilic senators have willfully approved of turning America into a banana republic and have turned the presidency into a dictatorship!

And I can’t believe that so many Americans support this police state fascism. Glenn Greenwald notes that 77% of liberal Democrats approve of President Obama’s drone program, and over 50% of them approve of the use of drone strikes on Americans.

I have written a page listing many articles on how America has turned into a police state. LRC published this article by Eric Peters on how a coward cop pulled a soccer mom out of her car during a normal traffic stop, tasered her, threw her onto the ground and arrested her, right in front of her kids! Among the comments on the YouTube page of the video in Peters’s article, the comment, "you deserve to get tazed, you dumb b***h!" received 35 thumbs up.

That’s 35 future American brownshirts now.

Now, regarding the government’s enlisting of private civilians to spy on each other for the government, such spying now reaches into the financial sector. As Simon Black noted,

In the financial system, there are droves of civilian agencies that have been coerced into becoming government spies. As we discussed a few weeks ago, everyone from bankers to brokers to gold dealers are obliged to submit ‘suspicious activity reports’ to the federal government. They even have minimum quotas.

What’s more, these so-called "SARs" must remain top-secret. It’s a crime for your banker to inform you that you were the subject of a suspicious activity report.

Yesterday, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), the federal agency which oversees the legions of unpaid government spies, added a few more businesses to the list. Now non-bank mortgage lenders and originators must ‘assist law enforcement’ by submitting suspicious activity reports.

The comparison to Nazi Germany is not at all an unreasonable one. There were many in Nazi Germany who reported on their neighbors and business associates out of fear of the government. That could very well be a major reason here for one’s betrayals of fellow civilians, such as with those new business requirements mentioned above. When we see all the S.W.A.T. team raids and local police abuse and murders of innocent civilians being shown in the news and discussed on talk shows and on blogs on a daily basis, one can see why there is good reason to fear the government.

It may take a large group of businesspeople to organize themselves as a group in their refusal to help the government spy on its own population.

And it also takes courage. A year ago I wrote about a businessman who was accused by the FBI of a non-crime known as "insider trading," and who had the courage to stand up to investigators. He was asked to wear a wire when meeting with clients to gather evidence against them, and he not only refused but he emailed his clients to warn them of those FBI "fresh-faced eager beavers." No, he wasn’t trying to warn them to cover up anything; he was protecting his associates from the government’s illicit entrapment.

However, more recently that individual has been accused of making threatening phone calls to the two FBI agents involved in the case. But, according to the Wall Street Journal, "he made the calls to the FBI agents ‘to force public exposure’ of their ‘criminal activities’ and ‘Constitutional violations.’

"In a follow-up email," continues the Journal, "(he) said the calls were threatening only ‘to the poor FBI agent's ego, which of course we know is always hugely inflated.’"

You see, these are the ones with a real sense of honesty and integrity, showing loyalty to their clients and customers of their legitimate, aboveboard businesses, and NOT showing loyalty to dishonest, persecuting government bureaucrats. (Further info on that particular case here and here.)

A business owner who is showing obedience and loyalty to a criminal bureaucracy that is run amok is what loyalists of Nazi Germany were in their reporting others to the Gestapo. It wasn’t always out of fear of the government.

But others in Nazi Germany reported on their neighbors because of petty personal resentments, envy and business partnerships turned sour.

We need to protect ourselves and attempt to restore whatever freedom we might have had in America. We need to turn the tables on these bureaucratic egomaniacs, bimbos and Nurse Ratcheds, these people who act like invading foreigners trying to turn every member of the American population against one another.

Given that the government is implementing these policies that are extremely violating of our liberty and privacy, and interfering with our peace of mind and sense of security as well, it is really these government bureaucrats and all their obedient underlings who are committing criminal acts against the people.

If businesspeople such as bankers and lenders are being coerced by the government to file "suspicious activity" reports, they need to organize themselves and together as an entire group they need to refuse to report on their own customers and clients.

Now, I am not involved in any kind of so-called "insider trading," or any kind of business, and I have no investments or any real wealth of any kind. And I certainly have never engaged in any actual criminal activity. No, I am just some schlep, but because of what these dumb bureaucrats have been doing to America – turning her into another Nazi Germany, another Soviet communist dictatorship – I am concerned about what government bureaucrats, police or military might do to me, or what my neighbors could do. It really is these government bureaucrats who are the real terrorists.

Rather than this trend of overreaching government arresting and persecuting innocent Americans, and spying on them and tracking their every move without any initial suspicion or due process, perhaps it is time to bring criminal charges against the people who are conniving and concocting these schemes.

Perhaps it is time to charge the heads of FBI and Homeland Security (sic) with inciting criminal mischief in their coercing private businesspeople to spy on and report innocent people for no good reason.

Perhaps it is time to charge them with inciting endangerment, as they are literally endangering the lives of innocent people whose neighbors, mortgage lenders or store cashiers may perceive or misperceive their behaviors in a particular way, or even whose neighbors or associates may hold resentments or want to act out of envy or racist sentiments.

Government bureaucrats are turning America into Nazi Germany, because this trend is only getting worse every day. George W. Bush and Barack Obama will be viewed much later in history as the Presidents who took America down this horrible road.

Currently, Obama is still President, and he has the power to end this trend, and undo this tyranny if he wants to be seen more positively by future generations.


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