
Thursday, November 10, 2011

The MSM continues its' assault on Ron Paul...

CNBC Wipes OUT Debate Poll after 25 minutes on their site - after Ron Paul Winning in poll! Video - Now they have "Who won debate - Attendees weigh in"! All MSM keeps doing this!

Here is a video proving there was a CNBC "Who won the debate poll" on 11/9/11 that CNBC took off their site after 25 minutes due to Ron Paul winning huge over all other candidates!

Now CNBC only has "Who won the debate - Attendees weigh in"!

MSM keeps doing this. Every poll after a debate has Ron Paul winning - they wipe off the poll - they have changed the polls.

It is up to all of us to keep the Ron Paul message going - since MSM keeps covering up his following and numbers.


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