
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Real conspiracy...

Real “Conspiracy” Beyond any Theory

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Before Admiral Mullen left his position as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, he warned of Pakistan’s duplicity in supporting the “dreaded Haqqani networks” believed responsible for the recent attacks in Kabul.

However, he failed to own up to the fact that he had been talking with the Haqqani’s himself for months according to the Wall Street Journal today.

When representatives of the Haqqani’s contacted editors of Veterans Today, asking if we could arrange for talks with Washington for them, I passed that contact on to the “highest levels.” I was warned off, told I would be subject to prosecution under the Patriot Act if I were to get involved. I can take a hint.

The war is supposed to go on forever, even if there is no enemy. Even the ones we created ourselves, even the imaginary ones like “Al Qaeda,” would quit, surrender, if they actually existed.

Delusion has become reality.

Similarly, we have received more than a few messages from President Karzai. He has had “enough.”

He just wants to leave office, knowing Afghanistan will never have a police force or army, though a trillion dollars has been spent on same, because the US will simply install another puppet.

Even Karzai couldn’t stand being a US puppet anymore. Every single word on every subject reported out of Afghanistan and Pakistan is, not just a lie, that word doesn’t go far enough.

The war was started for one reason, “war” is cover for crime and government has one purpose and one purpose only, to collect money and steal it.

Republicans call it “tax and spend.” The truth is far simpler than that and everyone is involved.

Government by criminal conspiracy is the norm, it always has been. Crime can’t survive without war or threat of war. And, as wars go, Afghanistan is the classic of all time. Imagine the most remote place on earth, no reason whatsoever to attack, no hope of winning and, if attacked, no ability to ever quit. Imagine a war you can never win but never lose.


The problem? Talking to anyone in Washington, when it involves ending the war in Afghanistan or accelerating the US withdrawal is met with distaste, whether it is a journalist or the parties themselves.

Recently, Jonathan Kay’s Toronto Based “National Post” actually accused Veterans Today editors of running both Al Qaeda and the Haqqani Networks.

They actually said we were running the Taliban as well. Welcome to reality. We are a news and intelligence journal, not “James Bond bad guys.”

It is this kind of press, the wild absurdity, that drives people like Mullen, whose tenure as Chair of the JCOS was not without some merit, to leaving under a cloud of insanity.

Mullen, after all, now has to troll around Washington for speaking engagements and lobbying bucks like everyone else. This means he has to leave his frontal lobes at home and function on medulla only like the rest of Washington, delusional as usual....

Read more:

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