
Monday, October 17, 2011

Dangerous vaccine...

Warn Your Friends and Family: This New Vaccine is Dangerous

By Dr. Mercola

“Fluzone High-Dose” is a new influenza vaccine manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur. The new vaccine was created specifically for seniors, 65 and older.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are quick to reassure seniors that Fluzone is just as safe as regular seasonal flu vaccines. If you read the details on the CDC website, however, you will quickly realize that Fluzone may not be as safe as claimed. .

Fluzone appears to cause a lot more side effects, including fevers.

According to the CDC:

“The safety profile of Fluzone High-Dose vaccine is similar to that of regular flu vaccines, although adverse events (which are also reported after regular flu vaccines) were reported more frequently after vaccination with Fluzone High-Dose.

The most common adverse events experienced during clinical studies were mild and temporary and included pain, redness and swelling at the injection site and headache, muscle aches, fever and malaise.”

Why do Seniors Get a Higher Dose Vaccine?

One of the primary differences between the ‘regular’ Fluzone vaccine and Fluzone High-Dose for seniors is that the latter contains four times as much microbial antigen—the lab altered flu viruses – that prompt your body to produce antibodies to the three different influenza strains contained in the flu vaccine.

The idea is that seniors need more antigen in order to provoke the desired immune response, because studies have found that the flu vaccine creates only a weak immune response in the elderly. In essence, they’ve realized that the flu vaccine does not work in the elderly, and the belief is that upping the dose will do the trick.

However, if you read the package insert, it will clearly tell you that there is absolutely no evidence backing up this theory… It states:

“Data from clinical trials comparing Fluzone to Fluzone High-Dose among persons aged 65 years or older indicate that a stronger immune response (i.e. higher antibody levels) occurs after vaccination with Fluzone High-Dose.

Whether or not the improved immune response leads to greater protection against influenza disease after vaccination is not yet known. An ongoing study designed to determine the effectiveness of Fluzone High-Dose in preventing illness from influenza compared to Fluzone is expected to be completed in 2014-2015.”

What this means is that for the next four years or so, seniors receiving this much more potent dose of the flu vaccine are participating in what amounts to an uncontrolled experiment. There is already admission that nobody knows whether it will actually prevent seniors from getting the flu or not!

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