
Friday, March 18, 2011

How much does the government borrow every second?


What is that number? The annual salary of Alex Rodriguez? The yearly earnings of Oprah?

The other day, I heard a politician say that the U.S. is currently borrowing $4B per day. I thought, "no way", but that's pretty close. $4B x 365 = $1.46T. Yikes!!
So I started to work it backwards and I got $46,269/second. That's how much the U.S. is borrowing (printing) every freaking second of every freaking day. Oh, but if you listen to CNBS or read Barron's, you'll hear that QE3 is very much in doubt. Whatever...

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  1. Go one step farther. If you tax the rich and big oil, you will collect enough taxes to pay for 3 days of borrowing.

    My question is what do we do with the other 362 days?

  2. dont forget the other 30 billion that becomes due and payable that we refinance or borrow each week to pay off that totals about $100,000 per second when you add the 28 billion new funds needed to the 30 billion old debt being paid off as due now.
