
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Homegrown financial terrorists...

Financial Terrorists: Right Here, Not There

The latest in the attempt to deflect attention from the people responsible for the collapse in 2007-2009 is now out, claiming that there's an "international" and "unknown actor" component:

Evidence outlined in a Pentagon contractor report suggests that financial subversion carried out by unknown parties, such as terrorists or hostile nations, contributed to the 2008 economic crash by covertly using vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system.

Uh huh.

I suppose if you want to be pedantic, should Bernanke walk out into the middle of Constitution Avenue and douse himself with gasoline, one could claim that the passer-by who happened to be smoking was "responsible" for his self-immolation.

In today's Goebbels media world, we'd probably even prosecute him for murder, never mind Bernanke's intentional act of pouring gasoline all over himself.

“There is sufficient justification to question whether outside forces triggered, capitalized upon or magnified the economic difficulties of 2008,” the report says, explaining that those domestic economic factors would have caused a “normal downturn” but not the “near collapse” of the global economic system that took place.


Let me see. We have on the record, under oath testimony that Citibank wrote 60% of their loan volume in 2006, and 80% in 2007, that did not meet the quality guidelines of the buyer of that paper. That is, it was mispriced, Citibank got paid for something that wasn't as represented, and the risk of loss was materially higher (and ultimately recognized) than represented.

How much is this? Well, if Citibank was not alone, we're talking about several hundred billion dollars worth of loans. And that's just in one year's time.

Losses? We now know that there has been a loss of value in homes of about $9 trillion. Of course the problem is that the previous gain in $9 trillion was not real, and yet it collateralized about that much lending.

Anyone who thinks that $9 trillion (in a $14 trillion economy) is not enough to cause a Depression all on its own is nuts.

Anyone who asserts that someone (no matter who) that detects this intentional scam in the financial system does not have the right to exploit it to make a profit is certifiably insane.

“The new battle space is the economy,” he said. “We spend hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons systems each year. But a relatively small amount of money focused against our financial markets through leveraged derivatives or cyber efforts can result in trillions of dollars in losses. And, the perpetrators can remain undiscovered.

How about this? Stop being a crook. Lock up the crooks. Then you can't have your economy collapsed by people who detect that you're a crook and decide to exploit that fact.

“The preponderance of evidence that cannot be easily dismissed demands a thorough and immediate study be commenced,” the report says. “Ignoring the likelihood of this very real threat ensures a catastrophic event.”

Again, it's not very difficult to stop this. Lock up the banksters who have admitted that they were intentionally selling bad loans into the market and then go look for the others who haven't admitted to it yet and prosecute them as well.

The first phase of the economic attack, the report said, was the escalation of oil prices by speculators from 2007 to mid-2008 that coincided with the housing finance crisis.

In the second phase, the stock market collapsed by what the report called a “bear raid” from unidentified sources on Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and other Wall Street firms.

Oh this is rich.

Let me remind everyone that according to the Lehman Bankruptcy Trustee Report, a published document that detailed the forensic examination of Lehman's collapse, it was disclosed that Citibank, and presumably others, knew for a fact that the firm had no good collateral to pledge for overnight repos weeks - or months - before it failed.

That is, Citibank knew as a factual matter that the firm was functionally insolvent.

Would you short a company that you knew was functionally insolvent? I would. So would you. And there's not a damn thing wrong with doing so.

The solution to such a problem, of course, is to not become functionally insolvent. You avoid that problem by not lying about what you're doing in your lending operations and making good loans instead of trashy ones. Regulators can also avoid this outcome by prosecuting people for filing false financial statements or standing up on CNBS and claiming they're going to "burn the shorts" when in fact their trading counterparties are refusing repo credit and similar acts of fancy.

The third phase is what Mr. Freeman states in the report was the main source of the economic system’s vulnerability. “We have taken on massive public debt as the government was the only party who could access capital markets in late 2008 and early 2009,” he said, placing the U.S. dollar’s global reserve currency status at grave risk.

“This is the ‘end game’ if the goal is to destroy America,” Mr. Freeman said, noting that in his view China’s military “has been advocating the potential for an economic attack on the U.S. for 12 years or longer as evidenced by the publication of the book Unrestricted Warfare in 1999.”

So what? If the Chinese do it the responsibility remains ours.

It is a fact that you cannot spend more than you make forever. All such acts have a "use by" date, and as they approach the ability of others to exploit your stupidity increases.

Guess what? We're still doing it. 42% of Federal Spending last year was borrowed, not taxed and "earned." We will fail at this. It is simply a matter of time. And when we do, and the walls come crashing down upon us after the roof caves in, it will be our government, not some mystical "foreign interloper", that causes it...

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