
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Then take that bubble and everyone in it and pop it over the ocean. Oops, I can't say that...

Bill seeks to wrap Congress in actual bubble

In the wake of a mass shooting in Arizona that left six dead and one congresswoman in the hospital, some Republican lawmakers seem to be most worried about finding ways to protect themselves.

Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN) wants to enclose the House Gallery in "a transparent and substantial material" such as Plexiglas, an aide told CBS News.

His legislation aims to keep the public from being able to throw explosives or other materials at members while they are on the House floor.

It's not the first time Burton has proposed such a measure. An earlier bill reads, "The Architect of the Capitol shall enclose the visitors' galleries of the House of Representatives with a transparent and substantial material, and shall install equipment so that the proceedings on the floor of the House of Representatives will be clearly audible in the galleries."


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