
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Both the left and the right are having a field day blaming each other for the shooting in Arizona. I found this pretty interesting...

Both sides are doing exactly the same things but you usually hear only about one in the media. So I post this for fairness sake...

Liberal pawn and 9/11 truth denier Bill Maher controlling his rhetoric...

Violent Rhetoric coming from WHERE again??

Let’s take a moment to examine a few FACTS. You know, facts – those nasty little things that the Left abhors. Today, the Media Research Center released a report that documents some of the literally horrific things that have been spewed by the vaunted Liberal Left Wing Media. According to a article:

“The so-called ‘news’ media have zero currency in this debate because we have documented the Left using hateful, vicious language far worse than any conservative,” said Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center (MRC), a conservative watchdog group. “Their attacks on conservatives are untrue and utterly hypocritical.”

“If they really cared about the effects of political rhetoric, they would have gone after any number of those left-wingers who have directly incited violence — starting with the man with the world’s biggest audience: President Obama,” said Bozell. “After all, he did say, ‘If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.’”

Mr. Bozell went on to say what I said above; that there is a method to their madness; and they have a BIG ulterior motive behind what they are saying:

“And besides, the media aren’t really concerned about violent rhetoric. This is part of a much more insidious and calculated campaign to criminalize conservative thought.”“Next they will ramp up support to regulate free speech on radio airwaves and the like,” said Bozell. “They want to illegalize opposition to liberal thought and are willing to accuse, indict and prosecute anyone who stands in the way of that socialist goal.”

This is exactly what we have to fight (and yes, that is a violent word in some cases) against. We must NOT let this horrible incident in AZ cow us into silence, or into NOT fighting for our rights as Americans. We must NOT let these Socialist Regressives use this horror to further their own agenda; which is to silence the Conservative Right forever. Make no mistake – that is their ultimate goal; no matter what kind of pretty, touchy feelie, tsk tsk tsk names they put on it. They could not care one whit less about actual violent rhetoric, people. Not ONE WHIT LESS. Want proof? Here are just a few examples as cited in the report:

“Rush Limbaugh is beginning to look more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody’s going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he’s going to explode like a giant blimp. That day may come. Not yet, but we’ll be there to watch.” — Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Morning Meeting, Oct. 13, 2009.

“So, Michele, slit your wrist! Go ahead! I mean, you know, why not? I mean, if you want to — or, you know, do us all a better thing. Move that knife up about two feet. I mean, start right at the collarbone.” – Montel Williams talking about Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) on Air America’s Montel Across America, Sept. 2, 2009.

“He is an enemy of the country, in my opinion, Dick Cheney is, he is an enemy of the country…. You know, Lord, take him to the Promised Land, will you? See, I don’t even wish the guy goes to Hell, I just want to get him the hell out of here.” — Ed Schultz, The Ed Schultz Show, May 11, 2009.

“I’m waiting for the day when I pick it up, pick up a newspaper or click on the Internet and find out he’s choked to death on his own throat fat or a great big wad of saliva or something, you know, whatever. Go away, Rush, you make me sick!” — Radio host Mike Malloy on the Jan. 4, 2010 Mike Malloy Show.

“I’m just saying if he [Dick Cheney] did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.” – Bill Maher on his HBO show Real Time, Mar. 2, 2007

After then-Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) said that the federal government was spending too much money on AIDS, National Public Radio’s Nina Totenberg, on the July 8, 1995 edition of Inside Washington, said, “I think he ought to be worried about what’s going on in the Good Lord’s mind, because if there is retributive justice, he’ll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it.”

On the Nov. 4, 1994 edition of PBS’s To the Contrary, then-USA Today columnist and Pacifica Radio talk show host Julianne Malveaux said of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas: “I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease. … He is an absolutely reprehensible person.”

REALLY??? How absolutely, unutterably NASTY and despicable. My mind stutters trying to come up with the appropriate adjectives for how I feel about these quotes. And keep in mind that these are only SOME of the quotes gathered in this report.

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