
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How can this be? Weren't we told the recession ended in 2009?

The Economic Crisis is Worsening: Dollar Devaluation, Debt Default, Austerity and Growing Inflation

Early in 2011 the real fireworks will begin. In spite of stimulus of various kinds the economy will falter and unemployment will grow. The plight of what is really, truthfully, going on in the country and the world will become more manifest to the public via talk radio and the Internet. Government, Wall Street and banking will get little public support. The Fed will start to run into major opposition from foreigners in the funding of debt. As the lender of last resort, the injections of capital needed will grow exponentially.

What we will see is austerity and growing inflation at a level not seen since WWII. The people will become more and more disillusioned with the incompetence and growing impotence of the Fed and the administration. The public will become more and more enraged as they realize who has done this to them and why. That is why talk radio and the Internet will be so important in the future. They are almost the only way the public can learn the truth regarding their plight. More than 15% of Americans are experiencing what citizens experienced in the 1930s. Deficits will go exponential, but will not redevelop the economy. More and more funds will go to the destitute who will find it impossible to find work as our transnational conglomerates continue to move American jobs to foreign lands further crippling the economy. America is in a state of financial and economic collapse that will stretch out over years. Get ready to live like Americans did in the 1930s, 40s and 50s. The world that receives US dollars for its goods and services will no longer want to recycle them for worthless Treasury and Agency bills, bonds and notes. They will dump them on the market one way or another. The dollar now at 81.32 on the USDX will fall to 74, then to 71.18, and eventually to 40 to 45. In that process the dollar and many other currencies will be devalued and their debt defaulted upon. During that process the failure of these fiat currencies will, minute by minute, be reflected in the rising prices of gold and silver in markets that will eventually become free again. In reality no currency needs to be devalued. Gold and silver accomplish that daily. Why do you think since 1988 our government and those who control our government have suppressed gold and silver prices? Gold is the barometer of fear, the only real currency that owes no one anything. Gold and silver are the antithesis of fiat money. They are the only way to restore order out of chaos.


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