
Monday, May 18, 2015

The policies of ruin...

The Playbook Used By Keynesians & Neocons
By Chris Rossini

At the present moment, Keynesians dominate monetary policy, while neocons dominate foreign policy. Their ideas advocate and produce a continuous cycle of money printing and military interventions overseas.

When crisis hits the economy and financial markets, the panic is used by Keynesians to ramp up the printing of money. That is, the cure to the crisis (in their eyes) is to increase the dosage of poison. Americans are not to contemplate the use of poison in the past. They are not to consider that perhaps the poison created the current crisis in the first place. Keynesians and their reliable media cohorts instead guide Americans into thinking: What is the central banker to do now?

This simple trick works like a charm because it directs focus. What should the central banker do? The focus is not directed at showing what the central banker has already done, and the resulting crisis that he has created. It's not directed at ideas which show why money should not be monopolized and controlled by central planners. No...the energy is reliably directed at asking what the central banker should do now. Of course, the central banker will do what he always does....print more money.

And so it goes: boom and bust....boom and bust....boom and bust....

In the foreign policy sphere, the neocons follow the same exact playbook. Their military interventions create destruction in lands across the Earth, and breed hatred towards America. When unintended consequences inevitably occur, the cure (in their eyes) is to increase the dosage of poison. Americans are not to contemplate the military invasions of the past. They are not to consider that perhaps the previous interventions created the crisis in the first place. Neocons and their reliable media cohorts tell Americans that now is not the time to look at the past...what is the President to do now?

Once again, the trick directs focus. Here's a real-time example of how the process works.

Today, neocon Marc Thiessen writes in the Washington Post:

Forget 2003. Jeb Bush should focus on today’s Iraq...Most Americans are far more concerned about what the next president is going to do about Iraq today.

And — news flash — the vast majority want to send ground forces to Iraq right now...

What voters do want to hear from the presidential contenders is how they are going to deal with the terrorist threat from Iraq in the here and now.

The focus is not directed at showing what Presidents have already done, and the resulting crisis that they've created. It's not directed at ideas which show the superiority of a non-interventionist foreign policy, and that the United States should not have a military empire. No...the energy is reliably directed at asking what the President should do now. Of course, American Presidents have an ironclad history of doing what they've always done....create more war.

And so it goes: war and loss of liberty....war and loss of liberty...

This playbook of economic boom & bust, coupled with constant war & loss of liberty, has a very clear and predictable ending:



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