The Growing American Police State Is Tightening Its Noose Around Our Necks
by Dave Hodges
No Expectation of Privacy
The Supreme Court has ruled that when an individual is in public, they have no expectation of privacy. The courts have also ruled that it is legal to videotape the police. However, someone forgot to tell the police
Your Camera Makes You a Criminal
If a police officer is performing their lawful duties with integrity and nobility, they should welcome being videotaped. Increasingly, police officers treat the videotaping public with a sense of indignation when they know they are caught on tape. Why? Don’t the authorities repeatedly tell the public that if you are not doing anything wrong, you should not mind being surveilled? Why should law enforcement be treated any differently?
Do you remember the case of a Hialeah, FL. Police officer, Fritz Janvier and his fellow police officers arrest Eric Faden on public property for filming them. Watch the overreaction by the police. These are tactics of law enforcement operating within a police state...
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