
Friday, March 23, 2012

"The men who think they own you and me and our governments are bankers. They are incapable of seeing human beings. They only see assets and liabilities, After they have stolen your last penny, you will be a dangerous and hostile liability. Bankers do not carry living liabilities on their books. They liquidate them."

The 2012 Elections. America’s Last Hurrah

by horse237

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. John F. Kennedy

An entire generation of Americans had great hopes for President Kennedy. He was murdered on the 53rd anniversary of the first day of the meetings that created the Federal Reserve bank on November 22, 1910. That meeting was attended by men who represented the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and JP Morgan. Paul Warburg attended in person, They drafted the legislation that was enacted as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. By murdering President Kennedy on that day the bankers were sending a clear message to the American voters: You will not tamper with the banking system we created to transfer all of your wealth to us. His death also allowed Israel to develop nuclear weapons. And it allowed the bankers to demoralize America by getting her into the Vietnam war so she could lose it.

On April 4, 1967 Martin Luther King made his famous “Beyond Vietnam” speech at the Riverside church in New York. He had planned to go to Washington DC in the summer of 1968 to shut the town down until the war stopped. But he was murdered on the first anniversary of his most famous anti-war speech as a message to Americans that they must have wars without end until they have bankrupted themselves. Of King’s speech the Jewish owned Washington Post said, “He had diminished his usefulness.” After JFK’s death, Life magazine took photos of his assassination in the order of 1-2-3 and published them on their cover in the order of 3-2-1 to convince the public that their beloved President had been shot by a lone assassin. That same Life magazine condemned MLK as a demagogue for his “Beyond Vietnam” speech.

On June 6, 1968 Robert F Kennedy was murdered on the night he had won the California Democratic primary and had given people hope of a different future. The man who was arrested for his murder was in front of RFK and could never have shot him in the back. RFK’s death put the nail in the lid of the coffin of the anti-war and bank reform movements,

In passing I would like to recommend a book from Trine Day publishers Me and Lee How I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald by Judyth Vary Baker. She worked with Oswald at a top secret government lab in New Orleans that created viruses to give people cancer. American cancer rates have gone up 2,000 % since that lab started work. That book can be thought of as a companion to Dr Mary’s Monkey.

In 1976 Americans were told they could choose between a presidential candidate who was a member of the Bilderberg Society which was headed by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild in Europe and David Rockefeller in North America and his ostensible opponent who was a member of the Trilateral Commission which was headed by David Rockefeller in North America and by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild in Europe. The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds won that election. America lost. But then Americans have lost every election I have ever seen.

In 1994 both political parties conspired together to pass NAFTA which sent 50,000 manufacturing plants overseas. On 4-19-1995 the Murrah Federal building was struck by several bombs which killed 168 people including 19 children in the daycare center. Brigadier General Ben Partin had been in charge of bomb ordnance for the USAF. He knew that the government was lying about a truck bomb taking down the building. General Partin contacted every official he could to prevent the government from destroying evidence by demolishing what was left of the building. He testified to the grand jury but the judge falsely instructed the jury to ignore his expert testimony as hearsay. He contacted Senators and congressmen from both political parties. None dared to say No to Government Sponsored Terrorism. The Congress, both political parties and the news media are all willing to allow the government to blow up buildings with Americans inside. That is a fundamental fact of life in modern America.

In 2001 George Bush and Dick Cheney committed treason by helping the Israeli government and their Jewish co-conspirators in America to electronically hijack 4 airliners and to take down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 with controlled demolitions. . A bomb went off in the Pentagon on 911 that killed the auditors who were looking for the 2.3 trillion dollars Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had told CBS News on 9-10-2001 he could not trace. His Comptroller of the Defense Department was rabbi Dov Zakheim who had been the President of a company on the 1990s that owned the Command Transmitter System which would have allowed one person to electronically hijack 4 airliners on 911.

In 2006 Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives promising an end to Bush’s wars. The wars did not end because they were Israel’s wars. Israel tells us one day all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates will be theirs. That 300,000,000 Gentiles have been living there for thousands of years is of no concern to them. All they have to do is to blow up some buildings in New York, collect billions in insurance and give Bush a list of 7 nations to invade. If Bush did not get it all done, all Israel had to do was to have Obama invade Libya, Syria and Iran. If the Americans go bankrupt killing Muslims who cares? Just get a war going, use nukes to depopulate the Mideast, seize all the oil for Greater Israel and let the Americans die of starvation by the millions. Who cares? America will soon be of no further use to Israel.

Both political parties have voted to repeal our rights to free speech, to petition government with our grievances, to Habeas Corpus, to trial by jury, to not be tortured and to be secure in our persons from illegal searches and seizures. Both political parties said they saw nothing wrong with 30,000 drones patrolling American skies looking for dissidents to shoot with shotgun tasers. Those tasers can be quickly replaced with missiles. We can now be detained indefinitely without trial and the President, the Attorney General and several Senators told us we can be summarily executed using secret evidence and without judicial review.

Many of us have seen this coming. We knew that Wall Street was stealing so much money that they would need a National Security State to prevent us from demanding the return of the tens of trillions of dollars they stole from us. Ben Bernanke printed up 30 trillion dollars to cover the thefts and negligence of the bankers. Now that his Hyperinflation of currency has just begun to impoverish us with much higher prices, the bankers have insisted on a complete repeal of the Bill of Rights. One day soon Catherine Austin Fitts will no longer be allowed to tell us that since the 1990s bankers have been stealing billions of dollars every week from federal spending which we mere mortals are not permitted to audit. She says they will be using that money plus the other trillions they have stolen to buy the world’s most valuable assets for pennies on the dollar after they have sent us all into a Global Depression which will be far, far worse than the 1930s.

In 2008 we called our congressmen and Senators telling them to vote No on the Bailouts. One congressman said, “I have two types of calls. No and Hell No.” He obeyed his benefactors and voted Yes. In the 2008 election we were given a choice between a candidate who had gone to London on March 28th to hold a fundraiser at a Rothschild palace and a man whose Chief of Staff had served in the Israeli Army and parents were terrorists in the Irgun. Many of us either voted Third party or stayed home. Some voted for Hope and Change only to say Obama is worse than Bush.

In 2012 we had one candidate who was against illegal wars, defended the Bill of Rights, demanded the repeal of the TSA and wanted to end the Federal Reserve. He was not a perfect candidate and many disagreed with him on some issues. When we went to vote for the man who opposed the banks, our votes were stolen starting in Iowa and in every primary and caucus until Mitt Romney was anointed the nominee on Tuesday. I am not sure I can detect any difference between Romney and Obama.

The 2012 elections will not stop the theft of tens trillions of dollars by the bankers. It will not stop the coming Hyperinflationary Depression and 30% unemployment. The elections of 2012 will not stop the coming nationwide food riots, race wars and the destruction of every city in the United States. The elections of 2012 will not restore the Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus and trial by jury. The elections of 2012 will not end America’s wars without end for Israel.

The complete bankruptcy of America will end our wars. But that period of our transitioning into permanent Debt Slavery will be a dangerous time for the world. There is a possibility of an accidental war going nuclear with so many powers on the edge of confrontation and insane leaders like Netanyahu thrown into the mix.

The most likely favored option as an exit for the bankers from the current manufactured crisis is a world wide plague, Why do you think America has so many Level 4 bio-hazard labs are in Level 2 facilities? The men who think they own you and me and our governments are bankers. They are incapable of seeing human beings. They only see assets and liabilities, After they have stolen your last penny, you will be a dangerous and hostile liability. Bankers do not carry living liabilities on their books. They liquidate them. That is why I think they are planning to kill a few billion of us with a plague.

But, as I have said before, this will not work. The American military knows their plans and will kill them, The US military will be joined by their brothers in arms all over the world, World War III might not be between the nations. It might just be the bankers and the politicians who serve them versus all of humanity led by professional soldiers from many lands speaking many different languages.

Notes: I would like to welcome my many new readers from Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine and Iceland. I would like to introduce to everyone some earlier articles that explain how bankers are robbing us.

The first article below explains how the bankers will cut your wages in half in 15 months.

Translating Zero Hedge: Your Wages Will Be Cut In Half

The next article explains how the bankers use Austerity as well as inflation to transfer wealth from you to them.

The Mathematics Of Austerity: Proving Austerity Never Was Even Intended To Work

Nine Myths And Misconceptions About Money That Can Literally Kill You

This article exposes how the US government really works.

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Black Budget And The Leveraged Buyout Of The World Using Stolen Money

The last article exposes bankers for the pond scum which they are.

25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions


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