
Friday, March 23, 2012

Loud noises in the sky...

What Is Causing The Strange Noises In The Sky That Are Being Heard All Over The World?

During the second half of 2011, a lot of people all over the planet started reporting hearing really strange noises coming from the sky. In some instances the noises produced a loud rumbling such as a train, a thunderstorm or the slamming of a heavy door would make. In other instances, the noises sounded more like "groaning". In yet other instances the noises sounded almost as if a trumpet was playing. Dozens of videos went up on YouTube purporting to document this phenomenon, but the truth is that you can fake almost anything on a YouTube video and many dismissed these strange "strange sounds" as an Internet hoax. However, now entire towns in the northern part of the United States are hearing strange noises in the sky and the mainstream media is reporting on it. In fact, one U.S. town is planning to spend thousands of dollars to hire an engineering firm to investigate where these strange sounds are coming from. At this point a lot of theories about these strange noises are being floated, but so far scientists have not been able to give us a definitive explanation for the source of these strange noises. So exactly what in the world is going on?

This phenomenon made national news again this week because of what has been going on in Clintonville, Wisconsin. Hundreds of residents of Clintonville reported hearing incredibly loud noises coming from the sky for several nights in a row. Even CBS News is reporting on what is happening in Clintonville....

Since Sunday, the residents have been disturbed by "booming" noises loud enough to wake them from their sleep.

Last night, hundreds of people attended a public meeting to get to the bottom of booms. But they aren't any closer to the truth.

One resident told CBS News, "The last few days we've been having (a) booming shaking noise."

Another resident said, "(For) a lot of people the house is rattling, you can feel the ground rattling, and it's booming all the time. It's kind of like, what's going on? You don't know what's happening."
So what is causing these noises that are so loud that even the ground is shaking?

According to Fox News, the town has investigated every possible explanation that they can think of for these strange noises....

City officials say they have investigated every possible human cause. They checked water, sewer and gas lines, contacted the military about any exercises in the area, reviewed permits for mining explosives and inspected a dam next to City Hall. They even tested methane levels at the landfill in case the gas was spontaneously exploding.
So far no explanation has been found. So Clintonville has decided to spend $7,000 to hire an engineering firm to investigate the cause of these strange noises.

According to geologists, the town does not sit on any fault lines and the ground beneath the town is very solid. Some geologists are claiming that "micro-quakes" could have been responsible, but others find this explanation to be very unsatisfying.

For many town residents, solving the mystery is not as important as getting these strange noises to stop so that they can get some sleep.

The following comes from the recent Fox News article mentioned above....

"My husband thought it was cool, but I don't think so. This is not a joke," said Jolene Van Beek, who awoke early Sunday to a loud boom that shook her house. "I don't know what it is, but I just want it to stop."
But Clintonville is not the only town in Wisconsin where strange sounds are being reported.

Mysterious noises are also being reported in a town called Montello which is 80 miles away from Clintonville.

These strange sounds have made the mainstream news up in Canada as well.

Recently, strange noises caused such a violent shaking that they actually brought down a barn on Vancouver Island in British Columbia.

Geologists say that no earthquake occurred at the time that the barn collapsed.

So what caused the barn to collapse?

That is a very good question.

And this is not just a North American phenomenon.

If you go on to YouTube and you do a search for "strange sounds" or "strange noises" you will find dozens of videos from all over the world. Yes, there are definitely a few videos that appear to be hoaxes, but is that true with all of them?

The evidence for this phenomenon is mounting and it is getting really hard to deny that there really are large numbers people all over the globe that swear that they are hearing really strange sounds coming from the sky.

So exactly what in the world is going on?

Well, there are a lot of theories floating around on the Internet. The following are some of the most prominent theories about what is causing these strange noises: electromagnetic noise, earthquakes, "fracking", rock bursts, venting of high-pressure gas that has been trapped underground, meteor showers, HAARP or directed energy weapons, and some believe that all of this is just a giant publicity stunt.

Perhaps the biggest reason why these strange noises have so many people alarmed is because humans generally have a great fear of the unknown.

If the cause of these strange noises is revealed, the hysteria will die down.

But if these strange noises continue (or even become more intense) and there continues to be no scientific explanation for them, then the hysteria may turn into full-blown panic.

What is clear is that our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. As I have documented previously, earthquakes are becoming more frequent and more powerful. The "Ring of Fire" is becoming a lot more active and we have been seeing a disturbing amount of volcanic activity lately.

So could earth changes have anything to do with these strange noises?

We just don't know at this point.

Most of the time when I write an article I like to have some answers. But I do not know what is causing these strange sounds.

So what do you think about these strange noises?

Do you believe that you know why they are happening?

Have you heard strange sounds coming from the sky where you live?


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