
Friday, March 23, 2012

"Lately the Western mainstream media – controlled by the same elites that control central banking – have taken to proclaiming that Western financial difficulties are coming under control and that unemployment is diminishing. But this is only making people angrier, because they can sense this is not so. And on the Internet they can read entirely different interpretations of reality."

Central Bankers Gather in Fearful DC Huddle

The Daily Bell

Fed Hosts Global Gathering on Easy Money … The world’s leading central bankers have spent much of the past few months putting out financial fires and launching measures aimed at recharging the global economy. On Friday, they will gather here to gauge the impact of their easy-money policies—including whether the controversial bond-buying strategy known as “quantitative easing” is a good weapon to keep in their monetary arsenals. A number of researchers say it is, despite nagging doubts. Quantitative-easing programs “stimulate the economy by reducing credit costs,” concludes Mark Gertler, a New York University professor, in a paper he will give Friday. The conference is sponsored by the Federal … – Wall Street Journal

Dominant Social Theme: We wish to discuss ways to make it clear that our methodologies are sufficient and our mentalities are superior.

Free-Market Analysis: It is all falling down about their heads and now they are meeting in Washington DC, fearfully, to try to decide what to do next. Nothing the money printers have done has stemmed the growing, global depression. But they have to do something. The system itself seems in jeopardy.

These meetings are reported as if they are pleasant business get-togethers, but they are more like evidences of a criminal conspiracy. The reason they fly in from far and wide is probably because they don’t want to use electronic communications for fear of being overhead or tapped.

This is not how it is presented in the mainstream media, of course. The bought-and-paid-for media will position today’s meeting as a convocation of great minds, technocrats dedicated to the highest ideals – administering private funds for the greater public good.

It’s a kind of power elite dominant social theme, that the good, gray bankers are selflessly carving out careers that aim their talents at providing systemic financial stability. Billions around the world profit from their calming hands at the tiller of the financial system.

In fact, this perspective is nothing but a fear-based elite promotion. The idea is that if these good, gray men were NOT available, the world would crash and burn as surely as if it had been smashed by a large comet.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Monopoly fiat central banking is ITSELF the main source of instability in the world today and has been a growing problem ever since it was invented some 500 years ago.

Today, central bankers wrap themselves in the flag of the state. Most central banks – and there are some 150 around the world – are carefully mercantilist, relying on state mandates to provide their chicanery with legitimacy.

The Federal Reserve is one such bank, legitimized by the US Congress in 1913 and supervised by Congressional hearings and presidential appointments ever since. The proper word to describe this sort of hybrid public-private arrangement is mercantilist.

Central bankers derive their legitimacy from the governments they serve and try at all times to give the impression that their services are rigorously high-minded and focused on the public good.

This public/private formulation has served the great central banking families rather well in the past century, during which time central banking has swelled from a handful of countries to some 150, run by the Bank for International Settlements out of Switzerland.

As there are now 150 or so central banks around the world, it is impossible to continue to maintain that this monetary priesthood is constructed of a single ethnic or cultural component. In fact, what central banking may most remind a skeptical observer of is a criminal syndicate or crime family.

Lately, thanks to what we call the Internet Reformation, the power of central banking is beginning to wane. Their manipulations are increasingly exposed and the negative effect of their “policies” is increasingly a matter for public debate.

The exposure of the manipulations of central banking has proceeded apace on the Internet. It has resulted, generally, in calls for transparency and even for turning central banks into entirely public entities.

Of course, this would solve nothing as politicians are ALREADY involved with central banking around the world. And if central banks retain their monopoly fiat power, then the generation of monetary inflation is simply transferred from a public/private monopoly to an entirely public one.

The top banking families, in fact, don’t care if government administers monopoly fiat or if it is done by quasi-private entities. Via mercantilism, pulling the levers of government behind the scenes, the top elites can control society either way.

What they DO fear, however, is that central banking may be done away with entirely. Monetary competition is likely what they fear most of all – the idea that society be free to create a variety of monies all used together and without central supervision.

This formulation would do away with the current monetary monopoly that is so destructive. Central bankers would lose the ability to stimulate and re-stimulate economies by printing more and more money.

Of course, the REAL reason for all this money printing is, over the long term, to crash and debase the financial vitality of the Western world generally. The power elite that wants to create global government believes that economic chaos must be implemented before a new, universal government and its money can emerge. This is apparently the plan in place now.

But it is one that is increasingly exposed. And the more the Internet’s alternative media exposes it, the more uncomfortable the plotters become. When they meet now, it’s probably to discuss damage control.

That’s what we figure they’ll be doing in Washington today. Damage control. No, they won’t be talking about the “impact of easy-money policies,” or not in so many words. What they WILL be doing is trying to figure out how they can stay in charge and continue to conceal the large-scale financial manipulations they’ve undertaken.

The choice for the power elite is stark: Either control the transition or the transition controls YOU. Of course, the great dynastic families that control central banking around the world have precipitated this crisis, in our humble view, so it is no surprise that they should seek to steer it.

People in government around the world use the force of the state to gain wealth and power. They then cover up their misdeeds by claiming that revelations would jeopardize people’s safety and security.

But by now the system itself is simply so rotten that it attracts criticism on a regular basis. The basic inequality that people have noticed – thanks to electronic communications – is that while they lose their jobs and houses, central bankers continually print trillions to support each other’s bankrupt enterprises.

This comes across as a basically immoral procedure – as indeed it is – and the longer the current recession/depression continues the angrier people get.

Lately the Western mainstream media – controlled by the same elites that control central banking – have taken to proclaiming that Western financial difficulties are coming under control and that unemployment is diminishing.

But this is only making people angrier, because they can sense this is not so. And on the Internet they can read entirely different interpretations of reality.

For this reason, the power elite is facing a conundrum. The powers-that-be have worked diligently over the past century to put in place a system that regularly destroys economies through monetary inflation, depression and further centralization.

This system is supposed to result, inevitably, in world government and a single world currency along with a single, mighty central bank, judicial system, military, etc.

The problem the elites face now is that central banks – and banking – has been exposed. Thus, they are in a position where they must actually find ways to use this destructive system to promote the health of the system that they are seeking to destroy.

This is no doubt why they are meeting in Washington DC. Since every central banking facility including quantitative easing is ultimately destructive it is very hard to try to reposition the system in ways that are ameliorative.

Central bankers talk about “sterilization” and other forms of removing paper money from the system. But ultimately, there really are none. Central banks are large money printing machines. That’s what they are set up to do. A crack dealer doesn’t walk around confiscating drugs. Neither do central banks, when “push comes to shove.”

This is the big problem that central bankers are meeting about in Washington DC today. They are trying to figure out how they can reposition their banking efforts so that they continue to appear to be helpful even as they shred what’s left of the world’s economy.

Only a decade ago, the plan to rule the world was succeeding wonderfully. People simply didn’t understand their sovereignty, wealth and power was eroding thanks to endless amounts of monetary inflation, recessions and subsequent centralization. Today, thanks to the Internet, they do.

Monopoly, fiat central banking is a fairly brutal and simple process. People are tricked into feeling wealthy, capital is misapplied during the subsequent boom and eventually a bust comes along and the central bankers and their enablers and associates rush in to pick up the pieces.

Conclusion: But the trouble is that the Internet has exposed this process for all the world to see. And that’s a pretty brutal and simple process as well.


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