
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kony 2012 hits an iceberg...

Kony 2012 Campaign Sinks Under Scrutiny

Written by Raven Clabough

The Kony 2012 campaign that propelled into immediate notoriety for several days collapsed almost as quickly and as ferociously as it rose. Though Invisible Children’s Kony 2012 documentary initially tugged at the heartstrings of Americans, harsh scrutiny of the video and of the entire campaign unveiled the underlying agenda for an expanded US AFRICOM presence in Africa, and therefore forced the Kony campaign back down to the dustbin of “movements” history, where all failed movements go to die.

For those who are unaware, the activism organization Invisible Children put out a documentary called Kony 2012 about Joseph Kony, the African guerrilla leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), an organization that was supported by the public until it turned on its supporters to “purify” the Acholi people and transform Uganda into a theocracy. Kony was indicted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, but has been on the loose and unseen since 2006.

Human Rights Watch attempted to jump on the Kony bandwagon and re-released an old video entitled Joseph Kony — LRA in an attempt to maintain the attention of the American people that was initially stimulated by the Invisible Children documentary.

Likewise, Human Rights Watch reposted an old video to its website entitled Dear Obama, hoping to capitalize on the newfound attention on Joseph Kony. In the video, a number of Ugandans are addressing President Obama in their native language, stating the following:

We want to tell President Obama that this situation is difficult for us. Our problem is that the LRA troubles us. I wish you could put an end to this war, because we are living in fear. I want President Obama to end this war because we are really tired of these wars. We do not know why we are being killed without any cause.

The video continues with heartbreaking stories of children being forced into the military by the LRA, and others of death and devastation, and ultimately leads to its primary purpose: to convince the Obama administration to permit AFRICOM to carry out its mission in Uganda.

In fact, the video seems to be reiterating the very mission of US AFRICOM, which states on its website:

1. A safe, secure, and stable Africa is in our national interest.

2. Over the long run, it will be Africans who will best be able to address African security challenges and that AFRICOM most effectively advances U.S. security interests through focused security engagement with our African partners.

The Kony campaign ultimately advocates U.S. military intervention in the region under the guise of a humanitarian agenda.

And despite the effectiveness of the video’s ability to evoke an emotional reaction from its viewers, the underlying issue with the entire KONY campaign is that the war in Uganda against the LRA ended years ago, and Joseph Kony himself has not been seen for 6 years. Some critics even believe him to be dead. So why the sudden interest in Joseph Kony?

Americans of Ugandan origin have taken to YouTube to express their suspicions about the Invisible Children’s interest in Uganda and support of US military forces to hunt down a man that has not been seen in six years.

Likewise, the Kony campaign seems to be inciting support for the Ugandan president, but the sponsors of the Kony campaign seemed to have overlooked one detail: Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni has been guilty of committing heinous atrocities against the people of Uganda.

“If Invisible Children was in fact a serious organization that has not been co-opted by the Museveni regime and the U.S. foreign policy agenda, the organization would inform the world that General Museveni, who has now stolen three elections in a row in Uganda is the first person who deserves to be arrested,” writes Black Star News.

Visible Children, an organization created to counter Invisible Children, has harshly criticized the Kony campaign and Invisible Children.

“The group is in favour of direct military intervention, and their money supports the Ugandan government’s army and various other military forces,” writes the Visible Children website, which has documented the hoax behind Kony 2012. “Here’s a photo of the founders of Invisible Children posing with weapons and personnel of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army. Both the Ugandan army and Sudan People’s Liberation Army are riddled with accusations of rape and looting, but Invisible Children defends them, arguing that the Ugandan army is ‘better equipped than that of any of the other affected countries,’ although Kony is no longer active in Uganda and hasn’t been since 2006 by their own admission. These books [Abducted and Abused: Renewed Conflict in Northern Uganda and The Resolution of African Conflicts] each refer to the rape and sexual assault that are perennial issues with the UPDF, the military group Invisible Children is defending.”

Some critics contend that the entire Kony campaign was part of a larger effort to perpetuate the “scramble for Africa.”

In 2008, AFRICOM Vice Admiral Robert Moeller declared that one of AFRICOM’s guiding principles was to “protect the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market.” He went on to cite China’s increasing presence in the region as a growing threat to American interests.

It is for that reason that the Land Destroyer Report comes to this conclusion:

Therefore, Joseph Kony, Al Qaeda, Qaddafi, starving children, pirates, and every other geopolitical ploy and contrivance imaginable, and some left yet unimagined have been used to justify AFRICOM’s expanding presence on a continent they have no business setting foot on.

Rosebell Kagumire, a Ugandan journalist who worked with victims of the civil war in Uganda, has raised suspicions about the motives behind the Kony campaign and asserts that Uganda is now a stable country and would not benefit from Western interference.

Perhaps cause for further suspicion is that both Human Rights Watch and Invisible Children are funded by billionaire globalist George Soros through the Open Society Institute.

World Net Daily’s Aaron Klein contends that Soros’ interest in the region is oil-related:

Also in 2008, the Africa Institute for Energy Governance, a grantee of the Soros-funded Revenue Watch, helped established [sic] the Publish What You Pay Coalition of Uganda, or PWYP, which was purportedly launched to coordinate and streamline the efforts of the government in promoting transparency and accountability in the oil sector.

Also, a steering committee was formed for PWYP Uganda to develop an agenda for implementing the oil advocacy initiatives and a constitution to guide PWYP’s oil work…

PWYP is directly funded by Soros’ Open Society as well as the Soros-funded Revenue Watch Institute. PWYP international is actually hosted by the Open Society Foundation in London.

The billionaire’s Open Society Institute, meanwhile, runs numerous offices in Uganda. It maintains a country manager in Uganda, as well as the Open Society Initiative for East Africa, which supports work in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Soros will make millions — if not billions — off of Uganda’s oil industry and his other interests there.

In other words, its possible that the American military and American tax dollars are being used to advance the interests of elite globalists.

Still, despite the controversy surrounding the campaign, and the various questions regarding its true agenda, the Kony video has effectively piqued the interest of some of America’s lawmakers, it seems.

CBS News reports that two House lawmakers introduced a resolution to increase U.S. military involvement in Africa.

“The resolution, introduced by Reps. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) and Ed Royce (R-Calif.) calls for, among other things, expanding the number of regional forces in Africa to protect civilians and placing restrictions on individuals or governments found to be supporting Kony,” reports CBS News.


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