
Friday, March 23, 2012

"If the silver manipulation is ended every single electronic monetary "asset" in the world will suddenly and violently implode erasing the entire Global Monetary System."

Why The CFTC Won't Pull The Plug on Silver Manipulation

Bix Weir

My friends over at GATA posted an article yesterday critical of the CFTC and the ongoing manipulation of silver. You can find it here:

The CFTC has already done all it can about Silver - And Everything Else

The gist of the article is that the CFTC knows that the silver market (and all other markets) are manipulated but because of the importance of the operations to the US Government they will not do anything about it.

GATA is 100% correct. Market Manipulation is being done for "official purposes". The CFTC will not be the ones to stop it and the reason is very simple...

If the silver manipulation is ended every single electronic monetary "asset" in the world will suddenly and violently implode erasing the entire Global Monetary System.

This is a fact that is inescapable. Without silver price manipulation the mega silver short, JP Morgan, would be vaporized and with them goes $75 Trillion in derivatives that are used to rig the other important markets such as interest rates, currencies, commodities, stocks, bonds...all of it. They are the tool that the US Treasury uses to orchestrate our monetary world from behind the curtain of the Great and Powerful OZ!

So in the case of JP Morgan..."Too Big Too Fail" means just that.

But in the Road to Roota Theory this "End Game" has been the plan since the very first computer market rigging programs were written and implemented in the early 1970's by Alan Greenspan and his friend John Kemeny.

The Road to Roota Theory

This is the first time in human history that the world has used electronic assets as money and as a store of wealth. We laugh at those who believed in the Dutch "Tulip Bubble" of the 1600's where people invested their entire life savings in tulip bulbs thinking they would get rich. Of course they lost everything when reality hit. What advice would those who lost everything in the 1600's give us today when we tell them that we use electronic blips as our "assets" now?

So can we really blame the CFTC for not doing their job? If it were YOU who could stop the manipulation of silver WOULD YOU? Would you pull the plug if it meant every person in the world would lose everything they ever worked and saved for?

Tough call but don't will all end. It just won't be the CFTC that pulls the plug.

And remember - when it does end you will be VERY happy you have physical silver in your own possession.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.


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