
Monday, August 29, 2011

Only in America...

Senate and House Galleries ban photographers & videographers

Author: Brian D. Hill

Now in the good ole ‘Land of the Free’ America it is unlawful to film any public senate and congressional meetings except for mainstream media and C-SPAN which is copyright protected and costs to showcase in documentaries.

As Jesse Ventura once said “It’s typical of of our Governmnent, We pay the taxes, we pay the freight, yet the government doesn’t have to be held accountable to anyone, they set the rules, and we are expect to obey them and not question them or get shot, or go to jail.” in the episode Area 51 of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory.

From multiple sources and proof gathered the Capitol and state capital buildings did not ban video filming, audio recording, and photography until recently this year in 2011.

Even one of my friends which I will keep anonymous told me in response to my discovery, “don’t know because last time I was in Washtington there wasn’t a problem with it.”, even Alex E. Jones said that back then he could film the senate galleries so this is a recent policy to block the cameras and alternative media reporters, even at town halls cameras are being confiscated due to camera bans at a public event by senator Chabot.

We pay taxes, those buildings are bought and paid for with our tax dollars, these politicians debate and pass laws that directly affect the American people, in cases gets many innocent Americans into prison facilities, and yet we are not allowed to film our own footage of the senate and house galleries or even take pictures. I thought this was America, home of the free land of the brave!

My friend told me he visited China and found out that people are not allowed to take pictures near Government buildings, gee sounds familiar doesn’t it! So China and now the United States passes any law they want, expects us to obey it without questions and without oversight, and risk getting shot or arrested for refusal or filming how terrible laws are passed.

Even pictures, which I will show you below, prove that people have been allowed to get photos of the senate and house galleries years ago or the policies weren’t being enforced but now they are which further erodes Obama’s campaign promise towards greater transparency within Government.

So they won’t allow people to take pictures or video in the senate and house galleries whether congress is in session or not. So much for transparency!

How can a congress and senate that openly passes laws that defy the wishes of the American people and the U.S. Constitution, won’t even let you video record (aka video tape), or even get photos inside senate and house galleries? What do these people got to hide? The very people that advocates for spying programs, cameras watching everybody everywhere even bathrooms and school locker rooms, the very perverts that want us under surveillance, what do they have to hide to ban cameras?

In fact according to my facebook friend William Lewis of Washington You’re Fired!, he posted a video that bills are automatically switched out at the last minute before bills are voted on and passed...

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