
Saturday, August 27, 2011

More proof war on terror is a fraud...

U.S. And NATO Funded Libyan Rebels Free Al Qaeda Prisoners As Americans Continue To Lose Freedoms Over Same ‘Terrorists’

CNN has reported that hundreds of supporters of Al Qaeda have been freed by U.S. and NATO funded Libyan Rebels.

Up to 600 prisoners that were released are believed to be pro Al Qaeda militants.

As The Intel Hub and many others in the alternative media have reported for months, the Libyan Rebels are actually Al Qaeda connected war criminals funded and run with the help of the CIA.

In fact, on August 22nd, former U.S. asset in Libya Susan Lindauer destroyed the NATO and corporate media lies in a 2 hour transmission on The Bob Tuskin Radio Show.

While Americans continue to lose more and more freedoms all in the name of protecting us from Al Qaeda, the CIA and NATO have openly funded our supposed enemies who in turn have released 600 Al Qaeda prisoners and are Al Qaeda sympathizers themselves.

This was the plan from the beginning. Pretend the war in Libya is for humanitarian issues, bomb the hell out of the civilian population in the name of freedom, and then fear monger over Al Qaeda taking over in Libya!


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