America's totalitarian democracy and the politics of plunder, or, life is a titty tuck and a Dodge truck
No less a personage than Thomas Jefferson pointed out that, whether for good or evil, controlling the people is the main thing all governments do best. Both Jefferson and Stalin understood this. They also understood that government control is a one-way street -- it never voluntarily contracts, never shrinks. Government grows incrementally in the best of times, and balloons exponentially during the worst. When the people are anxious or fearful, when the have-nots are coming out of the woodwork for their share and there is genuine risk of losing something, the citizens always demand more government control. Given enough time, all government control, regardless of type or stripe, metastasizes -- whether it be into the religious control of a theocratic state, or the democratic totalitarianism of the United States.
Although totalitarian democracy is well solidified in the U.S., it is difficult, if not impossible, for its citizens or the outside world to name the beast, due to the outward appearance of freedom. Petty liberties are left intact. The process of orderly elections is maintained, thus retaining the world's general respect as a free country. After all, the people do "exercise their will" by voting.
Beyond that, the people have no further participation in, or effect upon the government's decision-making process regarding the public's will. From that point onward, an economic, political, and military élite interpret the general will as what best fits their own interests. A media elite then sells their decisions, such as war or destruction of the social safety net as the people's choice. Wars are packaged and marketed as "Operation Iraqi Freedom," fought by "our heroes." Policies kicking the slats from under the old, the poor and the weak are sold as "eliminating wasteful, unfair entitlements," such as elder care and child nutrition. Everybody knows that words such as entitlements, elder care and child nutrition are code words in capitalism speak. Elder care wastes money on worn-out old fuckers who can no longer work and pay their own way. Child nutrition is just a nigger/wetback feeding program that causes them to multiply even more, draining off valuable funds the already rich could have put to better use.
Liberty nonetheless abounds in a totalitarian democracy. Open elections verify majority rule. The slaves are free to elect their masters, and that is enough to satisfy most folks in the land of the free. That, along with 100-plus cable channels to keep us entertained inside the cage. We know we are powerless, but better the devil you know than evil socialism, where you are not allowed to take out a second mortgage on your cage.
The system by which governs the self-centered, arrogant, extremist imperial regime of the United States of America, which to judge the champion of "democracy" for example, is nothing but a tyrannical power of the bourgeoisie and monopoly capital. Since, in the organization of American political power, all powers are united in the hands of the ruling class, which does not allow any threat to its rule, and that can not be contradicted, criticized or have organized opposition unfavorable prerogatives, ideals or bourgeois principles, for the capital and the interests of the bourgeoisie in the first place and has to be defended at any cost.
ReplyDeleteAnd, as a result, the U.S. imperial tyrannical regime, is always compressed in the narrow confines of the farm, and therefore always remains in essence a scheme for the minority bourgeois exploiter, uniquely for the propertied classes, only for the rich.
Therefore, the functions of political institutions of democracy "are to ensure the bourgeois class rule (dictatorship) of the bourgeoisie and their privileges.
The Democratic and Republican parties are colluding with the commitments it has privileged minority, that is, each is supported by limited groups of the bourgeoisie and monopoly capital, which seek only to enrich and serve its own interests.
"Democracy is for the American empire, as the U.S. rule, dictate the rules, and subjugate the people undergoing the condition and position of servitude, exploitation, passivity, dependence, obedience, submission, subservience and control, but when people surged and try to put themselves or to oppose against the interference, greed, domination, tyranny or will U.S. interests - then this will be considered a dictatorship to the U.S. Empire. "
And so, failing to pray in the booklet of the United States of America, these people are persecuted, and their free and fair elections are considered by the empire of illegal or fraudulent, because the U.S. imperialists will only accept elections regimes harmless, helpless, puppets Subservient, supportive and minions of the Empire. Moreover, the government elected by those free peoples who do not accept being subject to the whims of the United States of America, are always labeled or buffeted of totalitarian tyranny, dictatorship and its enemies.
And conflict with U.S. interests, which are the greatest tyranny in the world, so ready, comes from the U.S. empire, open treatment, hostile and unfair, animosity inflicted with all free nations - and thus disappearing - the so extensively propagated and proclaimed the words "Liberty" and "Democracy" that used hypocritically by the empire as a strategy, the masses of people to undergo a terrible brainwashed, mesmerized and conditioned to believe that the innocent or to accept the U.S.; as full "Democracy. "
All nations must be free, sovereign and independent of any imperial power, for so the process of building democracy and freedom in accordance with its ideals of development, or social, cultural, political and economic.
And, indeed, to gain autonomy and freedom, fearless people of free nations must constantly fight the direct or indirect interference in its internal affairs.
For it is only applicable to the native peoples of a nation or territory, form an opinion critical of the exercise or performance of his government, and whatever form of government established.
And so is only applicable to the native peoples of a free nation, the overthrow of political power drivers side, they deem to be stewards despots, demagogues, corrupt, crooks, opportunists and profiteers, and all this must be done without interference of any foreign imperial power.
You can not defend the dictatorship of the USA in relation to the world, or defending any dictatorship, but the people truly free, sovereign and independent of any force or imperial power, should always lay the foundations and goals to constantly strive for building the process of democracy and freedom, as their development ideals that bring them benefits.
I couldn't have said it better...
ReplyDeleteDemocracy IS Monarchy. Not the majority of votes rule, but the majority of weapons, the majority of media, the majority of material possessions. Those who own that majority always have and always will get a majority of people to vote FOR THEM(for their sponsored puppets). Therefore Democracy is a myth, a lie, and busted. But the majority of people still dream about it, so it continues to work for them(or rather against them).
ReplyDeleteThere has always only been Monarchy. And when the kings get too bad and selfish, the people eventually unite, fight and topple the kings. That's the only chance, also today. The problem today however is, that most people don't even know WHO the REAL kings are behind the scenes(which shows the kings' cunning success of their media mind control for the past 250 years). Most people only know the kings' puppets(their politicians). It's completely pointless to get rid of the puppets, we need to get rid of the bad kings behind the scenes. And that can only be achieved with physical force, not with votes.
- Democracy is the peoples idol and voting is idolatry.
Democracy came with the invention of the press...If we had no media today, we would still have straight monarchy. But with the invention of the press, some smart people figured out back then, that they can conquer the world and build a world empire by controlling peoples minds and beliefs. Make them willing serfs while they believe they are free. Make them even justify the loss of their liberty. Make them voluntarily elect their masters. Make them proud slaves...We have billions of people today who think they are educated, intelligent people, but they mostly live in hypnosis, not knowing that they are being mastered. And of the few who are waking up, most still hope for change by voting for a different puppet.