Who's the Conspiracy Theorist Now? Gov't Scaring the Public with Aliens, Asteroids, and Global Pandemics
Pandemics, Aliens, and Asteroids -- Oh My! It appears that the corporate-government-media has recently become the number one propagator of conspiracy theories. That is, of course, as long as the fear campaign pushes the right buttons for the agenda.
The dumbed-down public will always be led by fear until they realize that no major events happen by mistake in the matrix. All major events, reactions, and proposed solutions are thoroughly orchestrated and performed by the power players. They hit all the right notes, all of the time, save for some minor tuning as needed.
It's convenient for establishment leaders to claim that major events are mistakes. For example, we're told the attacks of September 11th were a massive failure on the part of the intelligence community. Additionally, we're told that the "idiots" on Wall Street did not see the housing collapse coming, or predict the 2008 financial meltdown, or the recent currency wars, or the recent gold and commodity rush.
It's the typical story told to the public when catastrophe strikes: whoops, who could have seen that coming? Even some of the most enlightened minds that predicted these events still call the people in charge "stupid" for not seeing or adapting to it. Perhaps many of the useful idiots who run the gears of the system don't know the fundamentals well enough to predict events, but the true controllers know exactly what they're doing, what reaction they will get, and what calculated solution will ultimately give them more power and wealth.
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