CIA Ghost Bin Laden Threatens France on New Audio Tape
Only a few days removed from Fox news announcing that 9/11 mastermind Al-Awlaki met with top Pentagon officials shortly after the attacks and double-agent American Al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn releases a video calling for more attacks in the U.S., Bin Laden surfaces yet again via high-tech audio tape to threaten to kill French citizens for there support of the Afghan war. The Associated Press reported today:
CAIRO — Al-Jazeera television reports that it has received an audio tape by al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden threatening to kill French citizens to avenge their country's support for the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan and a new law that will ban face-covering Muslim veils.
Al-Jazeera quotes bin Laden in a Wednesday report as saying France is killing Muslim women and children.
"It is a simple equation: If you kill, you will be killed," bin Laden was quoted as saying.
The establishment appears to be throwing all of their manufactured bogeymen at the public this week. Perhaps they are leading up to an attack that will distract the French people from protesting their thieving government.
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