Why would anyone vote for a single incumbent Congressman or Senator on Tuesday? They have had their chance and they have wasted it. I feel we need to shake things up a bit. How much worse can they be?
Isn't it time we get past the Left/Right paradigm that prevents any meaningful change in this country? It seems those in power enjoy dividing and distracting us with this bullshit while they rob us blind and lead us down the path of destruction.
When will educational leaders realize that the answers to improved education are right there in the teaching staff they are maligning and obstructing everyday. Once in a while ask them what they think might be done to improve our schools. The current wave of so-called reforms is nothing but top-down driven crap with little or no input from those in the trenches.
Another thought about education; anyone looking to become an administrator should have at least 15 years of uninterrupted classroom teaching experience on the same level of the position in which they are applying. Another thing, if you don't like kids, find another career.
How about establishing truth commissions to investigate 9/11, global warming, affects of globalization, banking fraud, etc. and let the chips fall where they will. We can handle the truth, don't you think?
Wouldn't it be nice if no one watched CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC to get their news? There is much to be learned by turning the TV off and searching for alternative news sources on the internet.
Who cares that people were smoking pot at the World Series? Did it hurt beer sales or something?
Wilco is the best live band of this era. Period. If you don't believe me, go to one of their concerts if you can score a ticket. Jeff Tweedy belongs right up there with Bob Dylan and Neil Young as one of the best singer/song writers of our time. Unfortunately, he probably won't get the recognition he deserves until long after he is gone.
Rolling Stone Magazine sucks since it has become more like People Magazine. Who the hell wants to read articles about the cast of Glee?
I think it's time for the Red Sox to say goodbye to Tim Wakefield, Jason Varitek, David Ortiz, and Dice K. The first three have given all they could have given and the last one has nothing to give.
Will VHS tapes and VCR's make a come back in twenty years like vinyl and record players are today? Will we be singing the praises of the warmth of the picture that we used to get in the old days as compared to crystal clear image of HD?
Why don't we celebrate Christmas every other year and cut out the one year when all one hundred members of my wives' family come to my house. It's not that I don't want to see them. My kitchen and family room aren't big enough to fit them all in anymore.
How's that new World Trade Center and memorial coming along? Going on ten years and nothing built yet? So much for honoring the memory of the victims while their families are still around to remember them. I guess the insurance settlement was all they were really after.
If global warming means that the leaves on the trees would stay green all year round and not fall off in autumn, sign me up for it today. I spent the morning cleaning up the yard and it looks worse than it did before I started.
I recently checked the stats for this blog and noticed that many visitors to this site come from the following countries: Slovenia, Romania, Moldova, Luxembourg, Pakistan, India, Brazil, Denmark, Russia, Indonesia, Lebanon, The Netherlands, Germany, Russia, France, Canada and the UK. Thanks for taking a look and for coming back every once in a while. I hope you find what I post useful, entertaining and enlightening. I guess there must not be too much worth watching on television in your countries. Only, kidding. Don't be afraid to make a comment or to let us know how things are going in your neck of the world.
This was harder than I thought it would be. I don't know how someone can write a column everyday or so and not run out of things to say that are worth someone's time and effort to read. Don't expect this too often. I'll have to save them up over time and post them occasionally. It's not easy being creative or original. Stealing other people's work and posting it here is much easier.
Hi, Cindy. Haven't seen you in a while. Hope all is well. Don't think I don't think of you guys every now and then.
Oh,and before I forget, Joe Lieberman is a dickhead.
If anyone has stayed with me this far, you have a lot of time on your hands and should seek help immediately. Until next time, peace.