
Saturday, May 5, 2012

The dangers of "Splenda"...

Is Splenda Safe? Examining the Dangers of this ‘Sugar Alternative’

Patrick Gallagher

Is Splenda safe? Unfortunately, the Splenda craze has taken a toll on the American people. Wrongfully marketed as a healthful alternative to regular sugar, ‘made from sugar so it tastes like sugar’, Splenda is actually one of the most dangerous forms of synthetic sweetener. Sucralose, the chemical name for Splenda, has been implemented as an alternative to sugar, used widely in chewing gum, bakery sweets, diet sodas, fruit juices, and other oddities contrived as food. The sweetener is actually more chlorinated than aspartame – and consequently not much different than aspartame in terms of it’s effects on the body.

Is Splenda Safe? – Research Says ‘No’

Through the extensive testing processes of the FDA, the sugary poison was considered safe for human consumption in 1998 after the effects were studied on over 100 animals and humans (only 2 of which were actually humans). And thus yet another artificial sweetener was born, putting people’s health at risk through marketing and profit-driven goals. What comes as the greatest surprise, however, is the fact that all of the testing done with Sucralose was only completed on around 40 people total – much of the studies’ goals were only to test its effects on the teeth of the subjects, and virtually nothing about the toxicity of the sweetener whatsoever. So, is Splenda safe?

Fortunately, other non-governmental studies have been completed and the results have shown that Sucralose is responsible for a variety of ailments: headaches, blurred vision, short-term dizziness, and more serious long term effects such as depression and weight gain. There are other effects associated with splenda consumption as well, such as:

Skin breaking out in hives or rashes
Shortness of breath
Swelling of facial muscles
Eye irritation
Joint pains
General sensation of anxiety in a number of consumers

The worst effect of them all? The stomach is essentially cleansed of any healthful bacterium existing within the stomach lining, in addition to increasing pH levels within the intestines. This effect directly stimulates/upsets ghrelin levels (hormones responsible for stimulating appetite, resulting in increased cravings for carbohydrates and other non essential food sources).

What is so wrongful and vile about the substance is that it is not only sold to consumer food product manufacturers, but also to a fair share of big pharma. This means that the medications that you buy may still contain the sugar sweetener without you ever knowing, as many companies are deliberately not listing Sucralose as an ingredient at all. This adds just one more reason to break any reliance for pharmaceutical medications.


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