
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Corporate lobbying...

Image: Rudy Giuliani consorting with MEK’s political wing leader Maryam Rajavi in Paris, France. Giuliani is best known for his role playing a strong supporter for the “War on Terror” and his incessant fear mongering verses “Islamic extremists.” In real life, he coddles listed terrorist organizations in direct violation of US law and even lobbies for them.

Warning: Corporate Lobbyist At Work

Tony Cartalucci

...The “War on Terror” is yet another false paradigm, both created and perpetuated by the West, while it simultaneously “fights” against it. In fact, many of the most adamant proponents of the “War on Terror” are literally lobbying for the US State Department-listed foreign terror organization (#29) Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK) of Iran, while others are calling on the US to fund, arm, and politically recognize listed terror organizations like the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) of Libya, and terrorists currently destabilizing Syria.

While some may be confused as to why one would simultaneously perpetuate a war while trying to end it, the answer is quite simple – the trillions the US is spending to fight the endless “War on Terror” is not going into a black hole, rather, it is going to a myriad of defense contractors while building the foundation for other large corporate-financier interests to plunder nations previously beyond America’s geopolitical and financial reach – the ultimate goal being to turn the entire planet into a borderless playground for the corporate-financier oligarchs of Wall Street and London.

What To Do When Both Sides of the Debate Are Controlled.

When we are trapped within a matrix of false choices, a paradigm created by and for the corporate-financier elite, our only recourse is to escape it. We do this by creating an agenda and program of our own while recognizing, boycotting and replacing the corporate interests that have constructed this paradigm around us in the first place.

Picking sides between the Heartland Institute and Think Progress is indeed an exercise in futility but one the corporate-financiers hope you commit to anyway. And no matter where one stands on the issue of “climate change,” they end up supporting the same corporate interests regardless. By deciding for ourselves what issues are truly important and entirely ignoring or exposing as a fraud the false debates put in front of us, we can begin making real progress that is in our collective best interests while undermining the elitist minority that has dominated and manipulated public discourse for so long.

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