
Monday, April 23, 2012

Now, why would they need those trucks???

The 4th Reich?

by Jeff Berwick

It's been a notable week. First, April's Fools Day passed on April 15th... the day that US slaves are forced to turn over the fruits of their labor at the threat of force to a cabal of extortionists. Then Dick Clark died... which means no New Year's Eve this year. Well played Mayans.

Yesterday was 4/20... an important day in cannabis culture. According to Wikipedia, the earliest use of the term 4:20, or 4/20, began among a group of teenagers in San Rafael, California in 1971. Calling themselves the Waldos, because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school, the group first used the term in connection to a fall 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 pm as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". Multiple failed attempts to find the crop eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a codeword that the teens used to mean pot-smoking in general.

Cannabis is illegal, despite the fact that in 1619 the first law regarding cannabis in the US was a law that required farmers to grow it. The founding fathers of the US and countless US Presidents have enjoyed it. "Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere," said George Washington. Even the prince of peace, Barack O'Bomber enjoyed the herb and stated "When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point." Not seemingly capable of fathoming hypocrisy, he puts millions of Americans in cages for doing the same.

Now, in the US, cannabis the plant is called a "drug". And real drugs, the ones that are exponentially more dangerous, like Zoloft, Adderall and Percoset are not called "drugs". They are just called "mother's little helpers" or the like... and are administered by state registered drug dealers called doctors.

This combination of propaganda, hypocrisy and indoctrination in child prison camps (schools) leads many kids in the US to become like this:

Go to link below to see video

Everything wrong with the US today is encapsulated in this video. Ignoring the feline abuse, this poor brainwashed slave does not seem to have any problem with ten year old kids virtually shooting, blowing up and bombing people to bits. The problem he has is that there are references to plants and vegetables that make you feel happy, expand your mind, want to eat snacks and love the world in the game.

If there is one person on Earth who needs to smoke a joint at this particular moment in time it is him. Instead, what we are looking at is the Republicrat candidate for President of the US in 2024.


I often recount how much I enjoy the times when I am talking to a Canadian or American and telling them how horrible the government and all the laws are and they say "if you don't like it you can leave!". It's actually my favorite moment of any I can think of. I get to smile and tell them "I did and it was the best thing I ever did."

Rarely do they have a comeback to it. Most people just stand there confused. You can actually hear their indoctrinated brains start to fizz a bit. It's because they have been taught that you can't leave... and even if you did, you'd be crazy to do so. There is a reason they play the "National Anthem" ever day in the indoctrination camp. They don't have any other scripts implanted in their brains for after you tell them you already left. I usually walk away at that point as they twitch and fumble for their keys.

But recently I thought of turning the tables somewhat. Often you will hear socialist indoctrinated, Michael Moore "documentary" watching types talking about how capitalism needs to be changed. They'll complain that it isn't fair... that big corporations don't pay as much slave tax as they have to... or that it outright should be abolished.

Aside from the fact that they aren't talking about capitalism (they are talking about the fascist corporatism in the western world today) I've decided to take another tack with these folks. The next time I hear a socialist/communist complain about capitalism I'm going to say, "If you don't like it you can leave."

I don't mean leaving the US... or the country. I mean: leave the marketplace. If you are really against markets then "leave". Stop exchanging your labor for money. Stop purchasing food, your iphone, your birkenstocks or your hacky sacks. Don't exchange your hair-braiding skills to buy food. Don't enjoy the division of labor to make things like air travel, the internet and every modern convenience possible.

I can't wait to hear the responses to my statement that if they don't like the market they can leave. Because, for the most part, it isn't the marketplace they are against. They are against the fascist corporatism that gives political favors to the highest bidder. If they understood what money really is, they would be against being constantly impoverished by the inflationary policies of central banks. And so are we. The only difference between us and them is that they think that more government involvement in the economy is required to solve the problem of too much government involvement in the economy.

That's what 12-16 years of socialist indoctrination (school and college) and a propagandized mainstream media gets you. Devoid of the ability to think critically the slaves clammer for more slavery.


There's an old saying in the US, recently recounted by Doug Casey, stating "We won't have concentration camps here. They'll call them something else."

Originally called re-education centres the Schutz Staffeinel (SS) then changed the name to concentration camps in Nazi Germany. They were called this because they were "concentrating" the enemy into a restricted area.

Times change and now governments the world over have learned the lessons of 1984 and in an Orwellian manner name all of their programs the exact opposite of what they are so as to keep sedatedthe majority of the sheeple. And so, Greece is the first European country to re-open concentration camps but under a much more friendly sounding name. They are rushing to open about a dozen centers around the country. The name? "Closed Hospitality Centers".

You can't make this stuff up.

With civil unrest breaking out around the country they are rushing to get the facilities built prior to the May 6th general election. Of course, stating that they are building them to house government dissenters won't go over well with much of the population so they have stated that they are building it to house that all-time favorite scapegoat, "illegal immigrants", mostly from Africa.

Listen to the chillingly titled "Civil Protection Minister" Michalis Chrisohoidis, talk about the hospitality centers that you can't leave:
"We have a commitment to start operating these closed-hospitality centers, and we will keep to that commitment. The first centre will operate before the general election in greater Athens, and it will act as a model to show Greek citizens that these facilities are safe for the public and will operate to high standards of health and hygiene."

Well, at least those dirty Africans will be kept clean. But, no one seems to see the similarities with Germany here. The Nazis constantly harped about health and hygene as they fumigated jews.

Perhaps soon we can update the old quote from the Nazi era to a more modern one. "First they came for the Somalis and I said nothing. Then they came for the Libyans and I said nothing. Then they came for me and there was no one left to say anything".

Meanwhile, back in the USSA, this photo has been making the rounds.

Your first thought might be "cattle cars" from the Nazi era. But, don't despair, we're sure they'll have a much rosier sounding name for these. Perhaps "Unleavable Party Vehicle" (UPV)... or "Involuntary Mobile Beer Garden" (IMBG) - without beer, of course. All aboard!


Either I am insane or things are just getting so absolutely obvious now that it is impossible to ignore. I know your state-indoctrinated parents and family think I am crazy... but they sit in front of their mainstream media nightly news and gulp it down like a fat kid with a bag of chips and a Big Gulp. They actually want to believe. The reason is... if they acknowledge the truth, they'll have to re-assess their entire lives. And, their feeling of financial security rests upon them hoping and praying that all the socialist security systems still exist for the next 10... or 20..... or 40 years until they eventually die.

If you are older and are reading this and agree with me, then you are a rarity. You've somehow avoided the brainwashing and collectivist thinking. Perhaps you are a genetic mutant. Or maybe you just didn't go to school and watch TV, like me... and ignored your stupid friends.

In either case, for those who see what is going on the roadmap is clear. It's time to get outside of the western financial system through investments in precious metals and other hard assets that criminals like Ben Bernanke can't dissolve like the ice cream cones he sucks down at Washington Nationals games. It's also important to get a significant percentage of your precious metals outside of the control of the group of people who purport to own you (Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge can help with that). If you live in the US and have an IRA, convert it to a self-directed IRA to be able to move your assets into non-traditional investments and get them outside of the US (the TDV Self-Directed IRA can help with that).

If you have the financial ability, get a second passport to give yourself some level of financial and personal autonomy, privacy and capability (TDVPassports can help with that - we just completed our first tranche of EU Passports that we can get you in less than 2 months and FedEx direct to your door... or passports in St. Kitts and Nevis that we can also get in a matter of weeks... or Dominican Republic, Paraguay or other passports which can take a few years to get but are cheaper).

And, you may be thinking, wow, this guy just flogged at least three of his own personal products to me... he must be one of those predatory capitalists. Well, think what you want. I just started writing about oppression here at TDV a few years ago and so many people have contacted me to ask for answers and solutions that I searched for them(and write about them to subscribers weekly... Subscribe to TDV here. OK, that's four!)... and in most cases, they weren't available. So, being the predatory capitalist I am, I scoured the world and found the right people, made the connections and set-up the infrastructure and services to provide it as cheaply as possible for the people who asked for them all voluntarily. I'm terrible, I know.

I'm sure plans are in place to send me off in a UPV to a Closed Hospitality Center.

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. The question is, what are we doing about it?

    (BTW, beautiful blog you have here, & not just to the glance. Especially like yr sidebar. hope you do not mind so superficial a comment -- especially since it isn't actually.)

    Be seeing you.
